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{| class="wikitable" align="right" style="text-align:center" border="1" style="width:10%"
| [[Image:Katy's faceoff scene.gif]] An iconic faceoff: [[Katy]] is revealed to be a fembot
| [[Image:Katy's faceoff scene.gif]] The character Katy from ''[[Gallery/The Bionic Woman|The Bionic Woman]]'' TV show is unmasked and revealed to be a fembot.
A '''faceoff''' is the removal or opening of a fembot's facial covering. Frequently, this takes the form of a fembot's face being a form of [[Access panel]], whereby the face removal consists of disconnecting it from the head or "opening" the head through the face. Other times, it can quite literally involve pulling the fembot's face off like a mask to reveal the components underneath. As a practical effect, it's a particularly simple way of revealing a character as a fembot, as an actress can wear a mask or footage of a dummy head can be used in their place.

A '''faceoff''' is the removal or opening of a [[fembot]]'s face. A fembot's facial covering can be referred to as a '''facemask''' or '''faceplate'''.
A fembot's face can be referred to as a facemask, faceplate, or some other similar term.  The style of opening or removal can vary, as can the look of the electronics inside. Some facemasks come off completely, while others open on a hinge. Some facemasks are shaped to be the entire face, some an "oval" and some peltate ("shield" shaped).
The style of removal or opening of a fembot's face, or more technically its facial covering, can vary, as can the look of the subfacial mechanisms underneath. A fembot's face may be a form of [[access panel]] that is disconnected and comes of as a block or rotates on a hinge, such as in the movies ''[[Gallery/Westworld|Westworld]]'' and ''[[Gallery/Futureworld|Futureworld]]'', where when removed from the front of the head, the facemask remains connected to the rest of the robot's electronic system by means of a bundle of cables and wires attached to the inside of the facemask. Alternatively, a facial covering may simply be pulled off like a mask, as in ''[[Gallery/The Bionic Woman|The Bionic Woman]]'' TV show or the movie [[Gallery/Surrogates|''Surrogates'']].

The electronics visible inside the opened head can also vary a great deal. Sometimes the fembot's "eyes" can remain visible, along with the speaker that produces her voice.  Other times, nothing but wiring, circuit boards and flashing LEDs are visible.
Some facial coverings are shaped to be the entire face, some an "oval" and some peltate ("shield" shaped). The mechanisms visible underneath a fembot's face can vary a great deal. These can range from "bionic" looks closely imitating the operation of the human face, to nothing but nothing but wiring, circuit boards and flashing LEDs being visible.
==Use in fiction==
In non-fetish oriented material such as movies, TV shows or independent videos aimed at a general audience,  faceoffs  are often use to reveal or reinforce a character as a fembot. With the human face being highly consequent in defining a person, removing a character's face to expose mechanical workings is a dramatic and persuasive way to do so. As such, faceoffs are usualy designed to alienate the audience, either with  features that may appear grotesque, like a skull-like grin and lidless eyes, or mechanical replacements  for facial features, such as a speaker for a mouth or digital displays in place of eyes.
In robot fetishism-oriented material, faceoffs use the same elements of alienation, only to achieve erotic gratification. The exposure of a fembot's subfacial electronics, and thus its true nature as a machine, is considered by some members of the fetish to be an erotic act. While revealing a fembot through a faceoff can still be erogenous, a character already known to be a fembot may perform one for erotic gratification.
{| class="wikitable" align="right" style="text-align:center" border="1" style="width:10%"
| [[File:Kill Oscar - Fembot 006.jpg|170px|]]The ''[[Gallery/The Bionic Woman|The Bionic Woman]]'' faceoff look, as shown in a production still.

===Franklin style===
With [[Wikipedia:Head and neck anatomy|numerous interacting muscles and bones]], the human head is a complex object, of which the face is only a small and hard to delineate part. For example, despite not being part of the [[Wikipedia:Facial muscles|facial muscles]], the [[Wikipedia:Muscles of mastication|muscles of mastication]] have an important part in facial expressions. As such, how a fembot's subfacial assembly might look, or even the possibility of a fembot's face being easily delineated and removable, has been criticized in the robot fetishism community, such as in a 2006 forum thread entitled [https://www.fembotcentral.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5269 "The Great Faceplate Debate"] on [[Fembot Central]].
The fembots created by [[Dr. Franklin]] in the TV show [[The Bionic Woman]] had oval-shaped facemasks, seemingly made from rubber, that could be easily removed by pulling it. Beneath it was a metallic plate with various '70s era electronic components affixed to it, along with two glass eyes and a speaker.  Many portrayals of fembots have used this basic pattern, and it is the most common to be found in TV and movies with faceoffs. It is also very common in [[Gallery#Fembot Central User Galleries|manip art]] by [[Fembot Central]] members.

===Westworld style===
One example frequently criticized, regardless of aesthetic judgment, is 1970s TV show ''[[Gallery/The Bionic Woman|The Bionic Woman]]''. The show features multiple scenes where the fembots' faces are pulled off like rubber masks. Underneath are one-piece, shallow oval-shaped plates with two eyeballs, a speaker and various electronics components soldered on. Even with the assumption that the removed masks contain the components necessary for simulating facial expressions such as lip or eyelid movement, jaw motion is functionally impossible. Thus, a fembot as presented in ''The Bionic Woman'' would realistically look highly inexpressive and inhuman. This is the case for most other faceoff looks presented throughout fembot media, as key features of facial expressions are omitted for a more impactful look.
[[Image:3777881664 7023bcd490 z.jpg|thumb|left|100px|A [[manip]] by the artist [[Xeran's manips|Xeran]]]]
In the movie [[Westworld]], robots were the main attractions at a luxury resort called [[Delos]].  Robots were shown in Robot Repair being [[Repair|repaired]] and maintained. The facemasks for these robots were shown to have the eyes built into them.  When removed from the front of the head, the facemask remained connected to the rest of the robot's electronic system by means of a flexible bundle of cables and wires attached to the inside of the facemask.  The inside of the robot's head was shown to contain an even less human-like appearance as that of the Fembots in The Bionic Woman.  Rather than an electronic speaker, an open tube with a flared end was shown to project the robot's voice. This style of faceoff is also common in manip art by Fembot Central members.{{clear}}

===Futureworld style===
Most of today's [[Gallery#Real Fembots|extant fembots']] faces are one-part assemblies fastidiously laid over a mechanical framework very similar to the human skull and muscle structure, and are therefore not conductive to faceoffs. However, Abyss Creations' [[Gallery/Real Doll|Realbotix]] models have been shown to possess faceoff qualities, with the facemask being fastened and linked to sub-facial articulations with magnets, thus being easily removable while allowing for a range of facial expressions.
[[Image:Chantelle faceoff.png|thumb|100px|Manip by [[Robotman's manips|Robotman]]]]
In [[Futureworld]], the sequel to Westworld, the robots of Delos were shown to have a more technologically advanced look than before.  The distinguishing features of this style are the peltate opening in the robot's head and the lack of connecting cables and wires attached to the underside of the facemask.  The electronics inside the head also have a less human-like appearance and layout than that of other faceoff styles.  Faceoff scenes of this style are also fairly common in TV and movies, as well as in the art and manips of fembot central members.{{clear}}

===Other types===
[[Image:Robot waitress detail.png|thumb|left|100px|Manip by [[RS5420's manips|RS5420]]]]
==In writing==
Other styles of faceoff can be seen to hold a wide variety of electronic patterns and human-like features. Some are designed to look as inhuman as possible, while others can be seen as mimicking the skeletal form of a skull and its skin.  Some contain complex constructions of wiring, circuit boards and other exposed electronic components, while others are meant to give the impression of a polished and professionally designed computer interface. The manner of opening can differ greatly too. Some facemasks can be removed completely, while others split and remain attached to the head as they open. These faceoff styles make up the remainder of faceoffs seen in TV and movies, and in art and manips by Fembot Central members. Many examples of these can be seen in the example images below.{{clear}}
*In Faceless001's, aka Robotman, story ''Fantastic Voyage'' protagonist Chip is abducted by what he thinks is his ex-girlfriend Monique. Eventually, he rebels and tries to escape, revealing that his abductor is actually a robotic duplicate of Monique.
::''So, however, did Monique. As I ran behind the car, she caught hold of my arm and pulled me down and back. I stumbled forward, outstretching my other arm to push her down. My hand hit her right in the jaw, and she went falling back. I was able to find my balance, and hurriedly I turned to go, but the doors were just then closed shut. I stopped, leaning up against the cold metal doors as I heard and felt the truck's engine start up.''
::''Knowing I missed my chance at escape, I turned back to Monique, who had gotten up and was moving swiftly toward me. She looked as if she wore a mask. As she got closer, details sunk in; flashing lights, microchips and circuitry around those two big eyeballs. Just as she clutched my arm, I realized I was not looking at a mask, but behind Monique's face. This Monique was a robot.''
::::— ''[http://www.gratuitousscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Faceless001/facelessfic.html Fantastic Voyage]'' by Faceless001, aka Robotman
*In Robotman's story ''CyberFem Park'', guests visit the titular park to indulge in recreational activities with its fembot staff. Protagonist Mike's desire is to see one of these fembots, his guide Chantelle, with its facial covering removed.
::''“Can I remove your facemask?”''
::''“Yes Mike.” she said.''
::''He used his arms to push himself up closer to the fembot on the couch, and delicately raised his hands up to her lovely feminine face. Then as he grasped the sides of her cheeks, he pressed inward slightly until he heard a piercing electronic beep.''
::''It worked just like he had seen it on an internet video. Her lovely facemask detached, and he was rewarded by the sight of active and complicated electronic circuitry beneath it.''
::''Her gorgeous blue eyes stayed behind as he brought the facemask down to his lap. They were the only human-like thing remaining visible within that perfect oval opening. There was the hint of a mouth provided by a single electronic speaker at that same spot, and the openings of her chemical sensor system looked a bit like a nose.''
::''But everything else was entirely inhuman. She was 100% computer inside, and the bundles of colored wiring, circuit boards and bright flashing LEDs confirmed that in the most sexually beautiful way he knew.''
::::— ''[http://www.gratuitousscience.com/?p=10574 CyberFem Park 01]'' by Robotman
*Later in Robotman's story ''CyberFem Park'', Chantelle [[Malfunction|malfunctions]], prompting the entrance of administrative robot Winter and a latex-clad nurse, who turns out to be little more than a mobile diagnostic terminal.
::''The nurse’s beeping became more urgent. She straightened her back with a snap and pivoted her head to aim it at Winter. The nurse’s pretty face then automatically opened itself and lifted up, hinged at the top forehead seam.''
::''Instead of the complicated and delicately packed electronics and sensors that Chantelle had, the Nurse now showed off a square LCD display full of quickly changing graphs and data. That was the top half of the oval opening. Below were rows of physical buttons, switches and a few ports.''
::::— ''[http://www.gratuitousscience.com/?p=10574  CyberFem Park 03]'' by Robotman

==More examples==
<!-- Please don't add any and every faceoff that you can fin. [[:Category:Faceoff]] is for that purpose. Add only faceoff that are either significantly different than those otherwise shown, or that are of significant importance to the robot fetishism community. Add a blurb if possible. -->
Lonely 7.jpg
File:Faceoff from comic 1.jpg|From an [[Comic book scans 5|unknown comic book]], featuring a hinged faceoff.
TZ The Lonely cap 5.jpg
File:Faceoff circuitry 20.png|On a male robot in the 1973 movie ''[[Gallery/Westworld|Westworld]]'', featuring a mostly featureless cavity and the mask remaining connected to the rest of the robot.
Doctor Who Android Invasion faceoff.jpg
File:Faceoff circuitry 06.jpg|On a male robot in the 1976 movie ''[[Gallery/Futureworld|Futureworld]]'', featuring captor-like features for the eyes.
Androidinvasion Sarah faceoff.jpg
File:Cybertracker faceoff.gif|From the 1994 movie ''[[Gallery/CyberTracker|CyberTracker]]'', with an electronics-looking faceoff.
Kill Oscar 07.png
File:Austin powers-shagged 01.gif|From the 1999 movie ''[[Gallery/Austin Powers#Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me|Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me]]'', with a mix between mechanical and anatomical features.
Kill Oscar 08.png
AI - Sheila Excerpt.mp4|From the 2001 movie ''[[Gallery/A.I. Artificial Intelligence|A.I. Artificial Intelligence]]'', which features a look more similar to that of human facial muscles.
Kill Oscar 57.png
File:Fry's commercial faceoff.gif|From a 2008 [[Gallery/Fry's Electronics commercial|advert for Fry's Electronics]], with a partial and hinged faceoff giving direct access to a [[Wikipedia:Motherboard|motherboard]]-like feature.
Kill Oscar 58.png
File:Japanese android woman faceoff.gif|From an unknown Japanese TV show, with the facial covering hinging open bilaterally.
Kill Oscar 73.png
File:Wicked science-faceoff.gif|From the 2004-2006 TV show ''[[Gallery/Wicked Science|Wicked Science]]'', with a more animatronic-like look.
Kill Oscar 74.png
File:The Hacker faceoff scene.gif|From the 2011 short film ''[[The Hacker vidcaps|The Hacker]]'', with simplistic electronics and the front of the head coming off in one block.
Fembots in Las Vegas 37.png
File:Robotrix faceoff scene.gif|A "partial" faceoff from the 1991 movie ''[[Gallery/Robotrix|Robotrix]]'', with the subfacial mechanisms being revealed through the fembot's mouth.
Fembots in Las Vegas 40.png
File:Surrogates - Faceoff animated 2.gif|From the 2008 movie ''[[Gallery/Surrogates|Surrogates]]'', featuring a mask-like facial covering and anatomical-like subfacial mechanisms.
File:Robot waitress.jpg|Photo manipulation by FembotWiki user [[RS5420]], with the subfacial electronics serving as a control panel.
File:Sbff.gif|The 2017 [[Gallery/Real Doll|Realbotix]] demonstration model, showing real-life faceoff qualities.
Faceoff from comic 1.jpg
File:Impractical.jpg||Photo manipulation by FembotWiki user [[BA]] poking fun at faceoffs
X-Men faceoff.jpg
Powers of Matthew Star 32.jpg
Powers of Matthew Star 36.jpg
Ultimate Lover vlcsnap-8560.png
Ultimate Lover vlcsnap-9732.png
Ultimate Lover vlcsnap-9832.png
Cybertracker faceoff 1.png
Cybertracker faceoff 2.png
Nikki Termonator faceoff 1.jpg
Nikki Termonator faceoff 2.jpg
Shag 24.jpg
Shag 46.jpg
BILY 2.jpg
BILY 4.jpg
Wicked Science 31.png
Wicked Science 42.png
TV 15 08042010 1537.0000000(7).jpg
TV 15 08042010 1537.0000000(8).jpg
Frys 05.jpg
Frys 08.jpg
The Robots of Love - 12 faceoff.png
Surrogates HD 2.jpg
Surrogates HD 1.jpg
Android Love faceoff 1.png
Android Love faceoff 2.png
Turtleneck 3.jpg
Turtleneck 4.jpg
The Hacker shot0001.png
The Hacker shot0002.png
Lisa 17.jpg

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|[[Image:180px-Integrated circuit icon.svg.png|25px]] '''[[:Category:Faceoff|'''See all media tagged "Faceoff" on FembotWiki''']] [[Image:180px-Integrated circuit icon.svg.png|25px]]'''</div>
Sarah Jane's faceoff.gif
Katy's faceoff scene.gif
Katy Fembot faceoff 2.gif
Tammi's faceoff.gif
Beyond Westworld 02 Pamela's faceoff.gif
==Other Links==
Phoenix 2772 face-assembly.gif
[https://gynoid.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=faceoff Faceoff tag on Gynoidbooru]
Powers of Matthew Star fembot.gif
Jem Pizzazz fembot.gif
{{Fembot tropes}}
Robotrix faceoff scene.gif
Cybertracker faceoff.gif
Nikki Terminator faceoff.gif
Superman animated Darci face scene 1.gif
Trouble Chocolate Episode 20 faceoff.gif
Austin powers-shagged 01.gif
Tumblr lkbvdpiLLQ1qe0eclo1 r8 500.gif
Dominique robot (The Bouncer PS2).gif
Tumblr m303q2ThAX1qzqnxxo2 500.gif
Japanese android woman faceoff.gif
Wicked science-faceoff.gif
Yellow Generation - Kitakaze no Taiyou.gif
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow faceoff scene.gif
Fry's commercial faceoff.gif
Surrogates - Faceoff animated 2.gif
Android Love faceoff.gif
Sybil the Fembot 2 faceoff.gif
Logan's Run parody faceoff.gif
The Hacker faceoff scene.gif
The Continuum - Lisa (faceoff scene).gif


Latest revision as of 22:20, 17 December 2024

The character Katy from The Bionic Woman TV show is unmasked and revealed to be a fembot.

A faceoff is the removal or opening of a fembot's face. A fembot's facial covering can be referred to as a facemask or faceplate.



The style of removal or opening of a fembot's face, or more technically its facial covering, can vary, as can the look of the subfacial mechanisms underneath. A fembot's face may be a form of access panel that is disconnected and comes of as a block or rotates on a hinge, such as in the movies Westworld and Futureworld, where when removed from the front of the head, the facemask remains connected to the rest of the robot's electronic system by means of a bundle of cables and wires attached to the inside of the facemask. Alternatively, a facial covering may simply be pulled off like a mask, as in The Bionic Woman TV show or the movie Surrogates.

Some facial coverings are shaped to be the entire face, some an "oval" and some peltate ("shield" shaped). The mechanisms visible underneath a fembot's face can vary a great deal. These can range from "bionic" looks closely imitating the operation of the human face, to nothing but nothing but wiring, circuit boards and flashing LEDs being visible.

Use in fiction

In non-fetish oriented material such as movies, TV shows or independent videos aimed at a general audience, faceoffs are often use to reveal or reinforce a character as a fembot. With the human face being highly consequent in defining a person, removing a character's face to expose mechanical workings is a dramatic and persuasive way to do so. As such, faceoffs are usualy designed to alienate the audience, either with features that may appear grotesque, like a skull-like grin and lidless eyes, or mechanical replacements for facial features, such as a speaker for a mouth or digital displays in place of eyes.

In robot fetishism-oriented material, faceoffs use the same elements of alienation, only to achieve erotic gratification. The exposure of a fembot's subfacial electronics, and thus its true nature as a machine, is considered by some members of the fetish to be an erotic act. While revealing a fembot through a faceoff can still be erogenous, a character already known to be a fembot may perform one for erotic gratification.


The The Bionic Woman faceoff look, as shown in a production still.

With numerous interacting muscles and bones, the human head is a complex object, of which the face is only a small and hard to delineate part. For example, despite not being part of the facial muscles, the muscles of mastication have an important part in facial expressions. As such, how a fembot's subfacial assembly might look, or even the possibility of a fembot's face being easily delineated and removable, has been criticized in the robot fetishism community, such as in a 2006 forum thread entitled "The Great Faceplate Debate" on Fembot Central.

One example frequently criticized, regardless of aesthetic judgment, is 1970s TV show The Bionic Woman. The show features multiple scenes where the fembots' faces are pulled off like rubber masks. Underneath are one-piece, shallow oval-shaped plates with two eyeballs, a speaker and various electronics components soldered on. Even with the assumption that the removed masks contain the components necessary for simulating facial expressions such as lip or eyelid movement, jaw motion is functionally impossible. Thus, a fembot as presented in The Bionic Woman would realistically look highly inexpressive and inhuman. This is the case for most other faceoff looks presented throughout fembot media, as key features of facial expressions are omitted for a more impactful look.

Most of today's extant fembots' faces are one-part assemblies fastidiously laid over a mechanical framework very similar to the human skull and muscle structure, and are therefore not conductive to faceoffs. However, Abyss Creations' Realbotix models have been shown to possess faceoff qualities, with the facemask being fastened and linked to sub-facial articulations with magnets, thus being easily removable while allowing for a range of facial expressions.


In writing

  • In Faceless001's, aka Robotman, story Fantastic Voyage protagonist Chip is abducted by what he thinks is his ex-girlfriend Monique. Eventually, he rebels and tries to escape, revealing that his abductor is actually a robotic duplicate of Monique.
So, however, did Monique. As I ran behind the car, she caught hold of my arm and pulled me down and back. I stumbled forward, outstretching my other arm to push her down. My hand hit her right in the jaw, and she went falling back. I was able to find my balance, and hurriedly I turned to go, but the doors were just then closed shut. I stopped, leaning up against the cold metal doors as I heard and felt the truck's engine start up.
Knowing I missed my chance at escape, I turned back to Monique, who had gotten up and was moving swiftly toward me. She looked as if she wore a mask. As she got closer, details sunk in; flashing lights, microchips and circuitry around those two big eyeballs. Just as she clutched my arm, I realized I was not looking at a mask, but behind Monique's face. This Monique was a robot.
Fantastic Voyage by Faceless001, aka Robotman
  • In Robotman's story CyberFem Park, guests visit the titular park to indulge in recreational activities with its fembot staff. Protagonist Mike's desire is to see one of these fembots, his guide Chantelle, with its facial covering removed.
“Can I remove your facemask?”
“Yes Mike.” she said.
He used his arms to push himself up closer to the fembot on the couch, and delicately raised his hands up to her lovely feminine face. Then as he grasped the sides of her cheeks, he pressed inward slightly until he heard a piercing electronic beep.
It worked just like he had seen it on an internet video. Her lovely facemask detached, and he was rewarded by the sight of active and complicated electronic circuitry beneath it.
Her gorgeous blue eyes stayed behind as he brought the facemask down to his lap. They were the only human-like thing remaining visible within that perfect oval opening. There was the hint of a mouth provided by a single electronic speaker at that same spot, and the openings of her chemical sensor system looked a bit like a nose.
But everything else was entirely inhuman. She was 100% computer inside, and the bundles of colored wiring, circuit boards and bright flashing LEDs confirmed that in the most sexually beautiful way he knew.
CyberFem Park 01 by Robotman
  • Later in Robotman's story CyberFem Park, Chantelle malfunctions, prompting the entrance of administrative robot Winter and a latex-clad nurse, who turns out to be little more than a mobile diagnostic terminal.
The nurse’s beeping became more urgent. She straightened her back with a snap and pivoted her head to aim it at Winter. The nurse’s pretty face then automatically opened itself and lifted up, hinged at the top forehead seam.
Instead of the complicated and delicately packed electronics and sensors that Chantelle had, the Nurse now showed off a square LCD display full of quickly changing graphs and data. That was the top half of the oval opening. Below were rows of physical buttons, switches and a few ports.
CyberFem Park 03 by Robotman


See all media tagged "Faceoff" on FembotWiki

Other Links

Faceoff tag on Gynoidbooru

Fembot tropes
Hardware and software Access panelAssemblyDamageDisassemblyFaceoffRepairRobo-vision
Processes and actions ActivationData transferMalfunctionProgrammingRebootRechargeShut-down
Appearance and sound Blank stareElectronic beepingRobotic motionRobotic voiceWhirring sounds