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Written by TotallyNot, commissioned by Screenshot

Julie firmly grips her handbag. She rarely uses it for anything really. The only time her code calls for use of the purse is to grab her lipstick. But by this point the lipstick was run down to the base, and she doesn’t have the brains to replace it. So she reaches in for it, and runs the plastic base of it along her lips. Not even a tiny trail left. Then she walks into the courthouse.

She is suing her boss for wrongly firing her, since she didn’t go on a date with him. In her place, he hired these two bimbo bots that were absolutely useless. She thinks about how easily they broke apart with even the tiniest bit of logic. She smugly smiles at the thought, without the ability to ever recognise the irony. She steps into the building and makes her way towards the receptionist at the front desk. A job she worked not too long ago.

When she walks, her body moves in quite a unique way. The two bots would always jut out awkwardly and had terrible locomotion. But Julie is also quite notably non-human as well. But instead of that janky style, her movements are a lot smoother. Just incredibly stiff. The receptionist watches as her leg rotates on the hinge in her knee. She only moves in one way at a time, so she raises her leg, takes half a second to rotate and then places it down. She does this over and over each time she walks, unable to complete the action in a single collaborative motion. She reaches the receptionist and looks coldly into her eyes. Her face does not show much emotion by default.

“Hi, I am trying to find council room C?” She asks. She faintly smiles as she waits for a response. “O-oh hi there. It's just down that hall. Follow the signs” She says as she points to the right of her, up near the ceiling at the signage that explains the directions for each room. Julie's face turns that direction but she stares straight down the hall, not even glancing for a moment at the sign. “I didn’t notice them. Thank you.” She says as she walks off. She makes her way down the halls and passes by many rooms. Lots of different stressed out clients talking to their lawyers, court clerks keeping track of an enormous stack of paperwork, all sorts of things. But finally she makes it to the room mentioned in her email applying for a state-provided lawyer. She opens the door and sees two people behind the desk, which isn’t exactly normal.

They are wearing pantsuits that do little to hide their quite shockingly large chests. They have surprisingly plump lips absolutely covered in a thick layer of lipstick. Quite heavy makeup overall. Their hair is almost plastic looking with how perfectly it holds its frame. Upon closer inspection, one might notice the outlines of visible seams along it, suggesting it may be a physical piece painted to imitate hair. The same goes for their body. Despite their faces being quite seemingly human and ideal, around their neck and collarbones, multiple seems show that they are constructed. Assembled machines. They stand up to greet Julie, which is when she notices their modest appearing pencil skirts are incredibly short.

“Hi Julie!” The first one says. “We are like… your totally perfect robot lawyers!” The other continues. “Oh no.” Julie says, realising what is happening. The two robots who had originally been involved with this issue in the first place. “Why are you bimbo bots my lawyers! I should only have one lawyer!” Julie yells. She looks at them, and the only difference between her previous meeting with these two and now is the grey outfit which covers a little bit more of their skin. A law office is likely to be at least a little stricter than her old perv of a boss. “Well, like, what's better than one lawyer? Two lawyers!” The bot on the left says. “Yeah! Two lawyers!” The other one says, backing her up. Each time they finish a sentence they give this big, obnoxious smile while they wait for a reply. “My name is Dolores.” Says the brunette, while the blonde one continues with “And I am Loretta!” “I know! I have already met you two. I am Julie, Mr Jenkins old secretary?” She says, pulling from her memory bank for the name. “Um…” Loretta says as she thinks for a moment. Thinking truly is a labour for her, with such hilariously low computing power it is a genuine wonder she can ever get anything done.

“I, like, don’t know what you are talking about?” She says, after completing her little internal check. Despite already calling Julie by her name. “Yeah, we, like, don’t know? We are here to represent you in court!” She says, with her beaming smile radiating off of her face once she finishes speaking. Julie doesn’t know what she means. Her mind is not sophisticated enough to wonder why this would be the case, nor to devise any theories. Instead she just gets upset at these two according to her behavioural patterns outlined in her code.

“So, like, what's the case even about?” Dolores asks, making an exaggerated thinking pose and expression as she does. “Yeah. Mr. Jenkins is, like, a nice guy!” Loretta responds, also unsure of any of the details. “Didn’t you read my submission?” Julie says, getting more and more aggravated. “Let me think! Uh…” Loretta starts. As she begins to search her memory for anything relating to that, her face droops. She is slack jawed, her eyes are unfocused and confused. Finally the same fake plastic expression returns to her face as she replies. “I, like, haven’t seen anything like that?” She asks, unsure of what Julie even wants from her at this point. “The court documents! The case that you are helping me with?” Julie asks. “Oh! We, like, were told that we are your lawyer and that we should wait here for you. Now you are here. Yay!” Dolores celebrates, as if that is the entirety of the task assigned to her. Unaware of the complexities the job entails.

Julie doesn’t know what to do. Partly at a loss with the stupidity of the two confident robot girls before her. But mostly because her system is simply not built for a scenario like this. Her central processing unit racks its mind for options. It needs to continue through with this process, but these incompetent robots are in the way. Her computer is not smart enough to find the relative authorities and make a complaint. She spoke of a referral document, but she basically had someone tell her exactly how to do it over the phone when she called to make the claim in the first place. So she continues to rack her brains database for any possible options that are available to her. Until the memory of breaking the two robots down before pops into her system. When they first took over her job as secretary, a single sentence confused their systems enough to cause a total breakdown. Now that… that could work. The same obstacle is blocking her, so the same solution should apply. But now her simple and overconfident little system needs to figure out how to break them again.

“So like… is there anything we can do for you? We are your lawyers after all.” Loretta says, breaking the long silence that had taken place while Julie was slowly thinking. “What does it mean to be my lawyer?” Julie asks. Maybe to see if there are any issues with their answer, maybe because she doesn’t fully know herself. “We like… help you with stuff.” Loretta says. “Yeah like… wait…” Dolores starts before taking her time to think again. Mouth open, artificial drool almost falling out of it. “We are qualified to offer advice about the law, draft legal documents, or represent individuals such as yourself in legal matters” She reads off even more robotically than her standard voice. “So… like… yeah!” She finishes off, ending the momentary coherent speech.

“Well… I am trying to sue Mr. Jenkins for wrongly firing me. How can you help?” Julie asks. “But… Like… Mr. Jenkins is a good person, he wouldn’t break the law.” Loretta says. “Yeah, breaking the law makes you a bad person! And Mr. Jenkins is a good person!” Dolores finishes. The two of them maintain the dumbfounded default expression all throughout the conversation.

“But I am trying to prove he did break the law. And it is your job to help me prove that.” Julie says again. Right now her system is working harder than it has in a long while. Usually by talking with humans the person is able to keep the conversation moving and eventually direct Julie with how to do whatever she needs. But now that she is talking with these useless bots, her scripts are unable to progress the discussion. They basically are just repeating the same lines over to each other. She can’t think on the spot for a different approach or maybe trying something else. She can only do what her computer tells her to, and her simple computer can only say so much. But even then, her computer is still superior to the database these two “Lawyer” bots are working with.

“We are your lawyers… s-s-so, like, we help you prove that Mr. Jenkins is bad” Loretta says, stuttering for a moment during her sentence. “But Mr. Jenkins is nice and good… But we do our job as your Lawyers…” Dolores adds. And while Julie herself doesn’t know how or why, she has stumbled upon exactly what she needed to confuse these bots. These two are hastily relocated from job to job without much care for the quality of their work. So when they were working under Mr. Jenkins as secretaries, he was sure to make their programming love him and always see him as a good person. So when they were repaired for their next job, no one bothered removing their affection for their previous boss. Not releasing their new job would be so directly tied to him once more. They can’t simultaneously perform their programming as lawyers, due to their belief that Mr. Jenkins can do no wrong. These hypocritical understandings are too much for their systems to function with.

Dolores is starting to repeat herself, never a good sign for a computer system as flimsy as her. “Mr. Jenkins is g-good. But, we, like, are your lawyers. And he must be b-b-bad” She stutters over a few of her words. Loretta turns to Julie with an odd expression. It seems she is following new programming given to her for this job. Maybe for the first time this entire interaction. “So, like, where is your proof?” She asks. “In the paper-form thingy” She clarifies, barely helping it actually make sense.

“I brought a copy from home for you to sign. This is my document filing for a lawsuit.” Julie says as she reaches into her bag. She didn't know any of these words the week prior. Despite being connected to the Internet, none of these girls’ systems are advanced enough to pull relevant information from the Web. So instead she just repeats Word for word what she has been told before. Similar to how Doroles explained her job description, simply using a copy paste sentence someone put in her head so she is ready for this.

Julie pulls out the paper and puts it on the table. Her handwriting is absolutely atrocious. Writing is the hardest thing for any bot to nail, the precise movements are just far too complicated. The bimbo bots can't read it at all, but they aren't programmed to. All their computers know is that they asked for proof and they received something that is classified as proof. Without even reading the validity of the document or the allegations precisely made, they are further confused and self contradictory.

Loretta slides the document over to their side of the table and looks at it closely. Her eyes do not move along the lines of text on the page. It really is just for show. For the human clients who need that sort of assurance. Julie doesn't feel any more comfortable or trusting now. She doesn't really feel much at all. Just obeying the next line of code that comes down the factory line of her head.

“S-so Mr Jenkins did something, like, illegal?” Dolores asks. She looks over at Loreta. Her neck swivels on an obvious point, no naturalistic movement at all. Her eyes stare towards the bot but just barely miss her. It isn't absurdly obvious but you can see she is always just looking past someone, rather than truly looking at them. Her hardware is an absolute mess. “Mr. Jenkins broke the law… but, like, he is a good guy-guy-guy-guy…” Loretta starts to repeat, and she doesn't stop. Her lips stop moving and return to that idiot bimbo smile. But the sound keeps coming from the speaker in her throat that emits her speech. It is more muted now that her mouth is closed but it is very much audible. Her hands which are usually placed daintily in her lap are now on the table, twitching and shaking. “Mr Jenkins is just g-great. But he is so b-bad” Dolores says, the cogs in her brain turning ever so slowly.

It is at this point both of their systems momentarily go into a fugue state. Just like when they are trying to think really hard, both of their faces droop. Dolores’ big, plump lips hang open, her eyes ever so slightly drifting upwards. Not even a feigned presence in their expression. They hang like this for a shockingly long time, longer than any previous time before. Their arms limply dangle as they slightly slouch in their chairs. It seems this issue was far too much for them to figure out, as Julie just mindlessly waits for them to spring back to life. Or at least the poor imitation of life they usually sport.

Eventually Loretta comes back first. But something seems wrong. She looks back at Julie, and smiles broadly. And one of her arms is cutely placed in her lap, the ultimate facsimile of the sexy eye candy ditzy coworker. But her other arm remains inactive and loose. “So, like, as part of the litigation process, we have to send a demand letter thingy to the accused” She says. Her tone is still as bubbly as before. It seems upon trying to resolve the issue with conflicting information, she just reset back into her Lawyer routine. This is the first time Julie has ever seen them really doing their job properly. When Mr. Jenkins hired them, all they had to do was wear skimpy outfits, fetch him coffee, and tell Julie “no”.

Now it is Dolores who awakens back to the situation and beams at Julie again. “So we need to begin by verifying your claims! So, like, were there any witnesses to the incident this is about?” Dolores asks Julie. “Yeah, you two were there. You were the ones who told me I was fired in the first place.” Julie explains. The two of them blink once. Then fall back to their thinking face. But luckily they quickly return after. “Great!” Loretta starts. “Since the witnesses are here, we can conduct the interview right a-a-a-away! We are, like, totally perfect robot lawyers so we can r-r-r-record them as we talk!” She stutters. Problems arising once again. She swivels her head sharply to Dolores. A turn that would be very hard for any human to make, since her body didn’t move at all. Her chest is still facing forward, but her head made a full 90 degree turn quite suddenly. “So, Like, Dolores, can you tell us what happened on the 21st of September this year at 9am?” She says, reading off the date in a more robotic tone than the rest. It is always quite noticeable when they are speaking normally or basically reading off a separate string file.

“Well I was working for the wonderful Mr. Jenkins, when Julie came in asking to see him. I informed Julie that she was fired-ired.” She glitches for a moment. “Julie says it is because s-s-she didn’t go to d-dinner with him. T-t-t-then we got Mr. Jenkins some donuts-donuts-donuts…” She says, trailing off as she repeats herself for a moment. Dolores goes blank for a second, thinking about what she just said and what comes next. “WARNING: MEMORY BANK CORRUPTED. DATA NOT FOUND” She blurts out, before going slack again. Then she seemingly returns to normal. “Then my memory bank is completely empty! That's, like, what happened!” She says happily. But as she speaks her right eye is beginning to twitch. “Thank you for your testimony, I have recorded it. C-could you please interview the o-o-other witness?” Loretta asks her. She began rotating her head over to Julie but snapped back to Dolores. She repeats this shocking motion a few times before landing and staying on Dolores. Julie can hear some odd noises coming from her body, as if more and more of her system is beginning to fail.

“Loretta, what happened on theeeeeeeeeeeeee… 21st of September this year at 9am?” She repeats from before, but gets stuck on one of her words. Luckily she is able to continue quickly. She stares completely forward as she says this, looking at Julie while talking to Loretta. “Well, Like, I was working my job as a totally perfect robot secretary! The lovely Julie came in, so I told her she was fired. Mr. Jenkins needed totally p-p-perfect robot secretaries that he could take to d-d-d-dinner.” She says, her voice slowing as he continues. She speaks at an absolute crawl until the last sentence at which point she speeds up to at least 2.5 times speed. She finishes her sentence and gives a great big smile as usual. Her plump, glistening lip gloss lips almost inviting Julie.

“Mr. Jenkins said h-h-he needed new Secretaries because Julie was too m-mean to him and wouldn’t go to dinner. So-so-so he got robot secretaries! T-t-t-t-t-t-t-then-then-then-then-then-then” She keeps repeating, her head twitching after each and every repetition quite awkwardly. She continues like this as Dolores just stares forward, completely unreactive to what is happening besides her. Dolores’ eye twitches once again. “So, like, yeah! Pretty normal day” Loretta suddenly says, cutting off her own sentence, making very little sense. The two robots look forward towards Julie.

“So now we need to review the evidence of the witness testimonies…” She says. Once more her face goes into thinking mode.they are both always just a few moments away from letting artificial drool drop down onto the floor when they do this. Julie simply stares forward at the two of them. She has been quite passive during the exchange as the robots keep trying to work out what to do next. Her system isn’t necessarily paying attention. She automatically takes notes of the word spoken in front of her, but can rarely do much with that information besides just read it out directly if asked to. If she was a human interacting with these two bots, this whole situation would be radically different. But as they are all just following their own shoddy programming, it is just a slow and inevitable descent into redundancies and failures.

“R-reev-revie-review complete!” Loretta says. Despite her smile the errors and issues are just getting worse and worse. The two robots are trying to access corrupted memory data from their previous breakdown. While also reconciling two conflicting variables. Their love and support of Mr. Jenkins against the need to litigate against him in support of Julie. “O-oour I-Information s-shows… LACK OF MEMORY DATA s-showss.. ERROR. ERROR” Dolores begins to say. Her warning messages interrupt her speech in quite the inconvenient way.

“A-a-according to our review of the witnesses… you do have a c-case-case-case.” Loretta says. “Mr. Jenkins, like, totally unfairly f-f-f-fired-fired you!” She exclaims, struggling to complete a single sentence without numerous audio and physical glitches. Each word out of her mouth appears to be forced and difficult, as if putting more and more strain on her. As she speaks her body is struggling more and more. No damage to their hardware has taken place just yet, but the overheating from corrupted code could provide an issue. And the stress on their joints and limbs is bigger than usual with the sudden jerking motions they are doing. Each moment she suddenly moves her arm up or down, twitching and shaking different parts and different but usually sudden speeds. None of the bots in the room are built particularly well. Their systems are usually careful not to push their frail pieces to their limits, but that consideration is out of the window when they are glitching out like this. “M-M-MEMORY BANK E-ERROR E-RROR” Now even the warning messages are glitching and struggling to be spoken out loud. Their systems are like a tower of cards, once one issue starts, the rest of their computational resources can’t be used to fix it, and it all falls in the end.

Doloress seems to be suffering from this, as she begins to introduce herself again and again. “H-hello! I am d-d-d-d-d-dolores! Your PERFECT-PERFECT Lawyer robot!” She says with a smile, but her eyes keep opening and closing at completely random intervals. She stands and moves around erratically. The noise from her heels clacking against the floor is simply astounding. She may be shoddy metal but she is still far heavier than any human being would be. Her heels are made out of iron to support her weight, which just makes it louder and louder. Loretta is now up and moving too, walking over and extending her hand out for a handshake. But she is behind Julie, who sits perfectly still in her chair. “What is going on? You might be broken” She says, but the words of course fall on deaf ears. “What's going on?” She repeats upon receiving no answer.

Dolores keeps erratically moving around, until eventually she bumps into the shelf behind her. Her eyes lock with Julies for a moment, as an odd little moment passes. For some reason resulting from her jumbled code, Dolores bites her lips as she stares. Some wires are getting crossed internally. Julie is also getting confused by the whole situation. Her flimsy code is incredibly reliant on whoever she is interacting with to make sense. So when faced with these breaking robots, her system is struggling to keep up with them. There is no real stimulus to properly use. Her code doesn’t know how to form a reply when people are speaking in broken sentences, repeating themselves and stuttering like a skipping record. So even her speech is starting to repeat every now and then. Her computer is trying to reconcile, and apply simple shallow logic to this illogical behaviour, and that can cause some issues quickly.

“Well S-S-S-SINCE this case is r-r-r-ready to go let's take this to the judge-judge-judge-judge” Loretta says, making her way to the door. As she walks, her legs struggle to easily move towards the exit. Her right leg repeats the same step over and over in the same spot, without the left moving for a moment. But eventually she makes it there, and looks back at the other two bots following her with a big bimbo smile. “L-like yeah! I think-think you have a solid case here Julie.” Dolores says as she follows in suit. Lastly Julie lines up behind her. “L-lets do it!” Julie says, stuttering over herself for the first time. And the three walk out in almost single file down the hall. They are moving slower than the humans passing them due to the glitchy movements, but no one seems to care enough. So they are left unbothered as they arrive at the judges office door.

They open the door and find the judge sitting at his desk, quietly typing away at his laptop. He lowers his reading glasses as the three bots enter. “Hm? What do you three need?” He asks. Usually you would have to schedule a meeting rather than barging in like this, but this man was quite the forgiving type. He didn’t mind hearing them out. “W-w-w-we are here to bring you a c-c-case sir! As t-t-totally perfect robot lawyers-lawyers-lawyers” Loretta says to him, her head jankily swaying from side to side. “Hm? And are you the plaintiff?” He asks Julie, who nods in response. He sighs and puts his glasses down on the table. “I know you two lawyers are new hires, but I am worried about your poor performance right now. You can’t even complete a full sentence at the moment” He says, staring both of the bots down.

“L-like we are totally perfect robot lawyers! We are g-good!” Dolores replies, before accidentally bumping into Julie, and causing them both to collapse to the floor. It seems like something in Julie's central processing unit seems to have been affected. And it is even worse for Dolores. “I-I- Hi Julie. Y-you need those kinds of s-s-s-services? Don’t worry, I am your p-perfect robot sex toy-toy-toy-toy” She begins to say. Obviously she has been left with this program since basically anyone who gets a hold of these two end up using it. But it seems the impact and failing code caused her system to get jumbled and confused. Dolores places her bright pink lips on Julie, who does nothing to fight back in her matching partially damaged state.

Loretta ignores the two as she continues to attempt her job. But she is doing very poorly. “So we l-l-like talked to witnesses and they-they-they- we-we-we-we said it's true! But Mr. J-jen-jen-jenkins would never do that so the case is d-d-d-d-d-dismissed” She continues with a smile. As her system tries to consolidate all the information in order to tell the judge it just confuses itself more and more. Trying to keep track of the witnesses also being themselves as well as the programmed refusal to admit that Mr. Jenkins could do something unlawful. Dolores begins to move her hand down between Julie's legs and inside of her jeans. All of these bots are built with partially functional artificial sexual organs, so it doesn’t take long for her to find Julie's silicone pussy.

Julie's system was trying its absolute best to analyse any of the input she was receiving to make a legible output, but constant errors and failed attempts were taking its toll. So when her computer recognised stimulus it understood, it was eager to put out the encoded response. So the girl who has been the most quiet of the three, suddenly bursts out moaning and Dolores fingers her. The judge gasps at what is happening before him, but that does little to stop what the bots continue to do. Dolores silences Julie's moans by making out with her as moves her hands. Her fingers continue to glitch and shake within Julie's sexual compartment.

As Dolores kisses Julie, there is no room for breathing or anything else. Usually her system would be keeping count of the seconds but is unable to now. It is of good fortune that she is doing this to another robot who can aggressively make out without heavily relying on breathing through their nose. Dolores is making moaning and whimpering noises too, but the audio constantly hitches and breaks, even repeating single second snippets of full audio files over and over again. But Loretta keeps distracting the judge. She stands right in front of his desk, quite close to the man himself. Her erratic movements are hard to track and her volume is wildly oscillating between incredible quiets and loud yelling. Momentarily leaving the room to sit with the noise of the two bots' broken and buggy sex every now and then. But always quickly cutting back to her garbled speech.

“S-S-S-S-S-So there is no c-case! Mr. Jenkins is great-great. That's why we came here, to give you the s-s-s-submission form for-for the c-c-case-case- totally perfect case” She continues, each line contradicting the last. At this point the judge barely even knows what to do. It might be easiest if he just lets it play out and waits until the robots are all unable to continue. He can hear the occasional zap sound from Dolores, and some sort of smoking escaping through the cracks in her body. When she fell to the floor it seemed it hit harder than even she was aware of. Dolores’ body had a couple of issues, but most notable of all was the damaged wiring. Some of her wires had been torn, leading to leaking power and sparks. She is currently writhing on the floor with Julie, making out and touching her. Julie’s system is committing hard to the sexual responses, as it is some of the only executed code that is actually functioning right now. But as they make out and their bodies wriggle and writhe against each other, a cable from Dolores’ body slowly gets shoved and whips up, like a hose that's been let go. It creeps up her throat and finds its way to her mouth. The wire is leaking electricity, and it won’t take long for it to come into contact with the artificial saliva that is inside her mouth, and constantly leaking into Julies.

Loretta is simply repeating herself over and over. Her body is becoming increasingly stiff, the programming for smoother motions seems to be affected by the issues in her computer. With that or her CPU simply can’t handle the stress of the logical issues as well as complex coding and is unable to perform both at once. Her right arm is bent 90 degrees at her elbow and refuses to move, only being rotated around the spherical joint on her shoulder. Maintaining that awkward corner-like form no matter where it moves to. Her left arm has a similar issue, but instead her arm is locked completely stiff and unbent. Just a straight line sticking out, also randomly moving back and forth.

Her legs are still working a little bit better, but that is offset by having to work on heels the whole time. Her knee hinges are stiff but still moving right. The bigger issue is the sudden erratic movements from the sphere joints at the base of her legs. They cause her legs to shoot out randomly and aren’t reliable at all. It is a miracle she lasted this long, but it was inevitable that she would fall. Another sudden movement, but this time it hits the two bots on the ground, and it hits them quite hard. Loretta falls to the ground. Still trying to move the same way she was before, but slamming into the Judge’s desk and the two other bots. They both buckle from the pressure, but completely ignore it and continue making out. “W-W-WITNESS testimonies a-a-are-” She continues, but something suddenly cuts her off.

A loud and sudden zap noise bursts through the room. The wire had finally reached up through Dolores’ mechanical body and the electricity quickly travelled through the saliva to electrocute the two robots kissing. They don’t seem to mind at first. Their pathetic whimpers and moans are still the only thing escaping the two of them. But the damage went deeper than their simple systems could ever recognise. It fried parts of their central processing unit. Power stops circulating through Dolores’ body, so the electrical shock stops affecting the two. There are a few brief moments where the residuals of her system keep running until the last little bit of energy is welled up. “Mm y-y-y-you are just so sexyyyyyyyy……..” She says, powering down by the end of the sentence. Julie was also quite heavily affected by the shock, but it didn't cause her to shut down. Instead she starts making out harder with the now offline Dolores. Her programming is clearly damaged because her form of “making out” is opening her mouth slightly and pressing her face against Dolores. Not moving her lips or much else of her body for that matter. The action seems far more strained, and further little zaps and creaking metal can be heard from her body which was previously silent. Loretta is still shuffling around on the ground, but her speaker has simply worsened and worsened until the point that it is only occasionally that any noise actually escapes. “Liii-... … Re! … … Wi…” She says, her smile still the same as it ever has been. Completely unwavering no matter what.

The judge watched all this unfold in such quick succession that there was very little he could do during any of it. But now that it has winded down and the robots don’t seem capable of very much anymore, he calls his assistant. Only a few seconds after he calls, she walks into his room. “Hello sir. How can I help you?” She says. Her body is a lot less overtly sexual than the two bimbo bots on the floor, but she is still quite nice to look at. Just much more fitting for the environment she is in. She smiles with a similar lifeless robotic expression, but unlike the three bots in front of her, she functions well enough. “Hi Angela. I need you to handle this for me. Please take these robots back to their office and notify a repair company to come right away. Once you are done, come back to my office so I can draft up a verdict.” He says. Perhaps his assistant's effectiveness can be better attributed to the judges skill in giving her clear and concise tasks. Using her for her primary design functionalities, and not pushing her system.

He opens his laptop and finds a digital version of the submitted form in his inbox from the previous day. He begins reading it over as Angela happily begins dragging the bodies away one by one, while simultaneously calling the relevant company to help fix them, who arrive astonishingly fast. They take a quick look at each of the girls' hardware, needing to strip them down and upon up their bodies to get to the mechanics. One of the men taps into their remaining accessible files and begins work immediately. They give the robot their repair projections and send her on her way. She returns to the judges office as requested.

“I would like to report that initial projections of repairs are promising, though there is an issue with the plaintiff. She seems to be exhibiting some odd behaviour that can’t be explained by her programming. A fixation for one of the two robots involved in the incident. They are unsure if they can fix this.” She reports, her smile completely unchanged throughout the whole experience. “Hm, that is good to know. Well if anything that makes my verdict easier. Be sure to note this down and send it to everyone it concerns.” The judge says, as he closes his laptop.

“This is a pretty open and shut case. The defendant is responsible for unlawful firing practices, but as the plaintiff is a machine, the punishments are not as heavy.” He tells his assistant. He rubs his temple for a moment before continuing. “Have him cover the costs of the repairs as a fine. As for the Lawyers they clearly didn’t work out together, so make sure their memories are correctly wiped and their systems redone. Then you can give the brunette to the plaintiff as compensation for the damages she received. Then you can have the blonde one working here again, but just under more strict management.” He says. “Did you get all of that?” The judge quickly asks, to ensure his assistant was noting it down. “Yes sir. It has already been written in an official formal notice.” She replies. “Good, good. What a mess” He grumbles. “Could you please fetch me some coffee?” He asks her. “Of course sir.” The assistant replies.

Some time later...

Julie wakes up in her bed. She does not yawn and she does not stretch. She simply rises from the covers and sits on the edge of her bed. She stands up, throws on a shirt she quickly grabs from her cupboard. Then Julie wanders to the bathroom with just her panties and shirt on.

She goes to brush her teeth. Really, her teeth don’t need much maintenance at all. She only eats at social outings, and her teeth are built from a material that won’t rot like a human's ones would. But either way her programming instructs her to continue on with the morning routine. She squirts an empty toothpaste tube onto her toothbrush, with nothing coming out. Regardless, she sticks it in her mouth and starts brushing. She doesn’t really move it around, not having any need to cover her whole mouth. Her system simply knows to brush, so she brushes. After brushing the same spot for exactly 3 minutes to the dot, she rinses her mouth and gets on with her day.

She walks into her living room. The room is quite empty. As a mindless robot, she is not exactly one for decor. She has hung exactly one painting up in the room since moving into the apartment, since that was what she considered important to the moving process.

There is a TV that remains unplugged, a table with a single chair… it didn’t have a lot of personality. In the corner is a naked humanoid machine. Her name is Dolores, not that it gets used very often anymore. She is seen as little more than an appliance, and that is quite the accurate description. Once a bot in society like Julie, she was relegated to sex bot assistant to Julie as payment for damages in a court case. And now she simply lives to serve her master sexually.

Ever since the incident at the courthouse, there has been an odd glitch in Julie's system. She needs sexual input almost constantly. So this arrangement ended up working out the best.

Julie receives a call on her phone, so she sits at her singular chair on her table. Before she picks up, she calls for her toy. “Engage oral sex” Julie says simply. Not acknowledging the bot as a person or being, but just a tool like her toothbrush. “Yes master” Dolores replies with a big smile. She walks over to Julie and crawls under the table. The bot saddles between Julie's legs and moves her panties just off to the side. Just as Dolores’ mechanically controlled tongue reaches her silicone pussy, Julie answers the call. “H-hello there. This is Julie, how can I help you?” She reads out simply. She answers every phone call in the exact same way with the exact same tone. She only stuttered slightly due to the signals rushing through her body from her privates.

“Hi Julie! This is Loretta! Your, like, super awesome lawyer!” The voice on the other end says. All three robots have had their minds wiped after the incident. Replaced with the far more convenient memory of a successful litigation. But only between Julie and Loretta. Now memories of Dolores were removed, and she is simply an appliance for Julie. No longer Loretta's co-lawyer. “Just calling to check up on how you are going with your compensatory bonus after the case?” She reads off robotically. Not truly knowing the meaning behind any of her words, but doing a much better job at saying them than before. Clearly the updated lawyer code is helping her actually perform her role.

Dolores continues to lick the insides of Julie's perfectly moulded labia. Her tongue slathering it in artificial saliva, that just makes it easier to glide along her sensitive parts. She does not sweat, nor is her skin alive so there is no flavour or taste. Dolores would lack the ability to interpret those tastes meaningfully regardless. But she eagerly dives in as if it is the best thing in the entire world, mindlessly obeying her code.

“The robot is very good. It is very helpful in helping me feel good” Julie says with a smile. She is programmed to always make facial expressions as best she can, even when only talking on the phone. “Like, Awesome! Unless you need any follow up, I am moving onto my next case. Something to do with, like, the golden tower casino?” She explains. “Good luck Loretta” Julie says, before hanging up the call quite abruptly. Without many ideas of courtesy or social norms, this kind of thing happens quite often for her.

She looks back down at the robot that is servicing her. Without any need to, Julie doesn’t moan. It used to be an involuntary action, but she was given control over it since the incident by her reprogramming. But the signals are pleasing and soothing to her system. And as she relaxes, her code allows those noises to escape her lips.

“Ah~... Speed up…” She tells her toy, who nods her head with her tongue still in her. She goes faster and faster, sliding up, down and in her plastic tasting pussy. Any human would be struggling to stay at this pace, fatigue would get the best of them. But not this robotic toy. Julie responds to the increased pace. Her system whirs with excitement as the fans blast to keep her from overheating. Pleasure like this puts a slight stress on her system, but nothing bad enough to cause concern. Instead her whole body activates to the most of its potential and its riveting. Of Course she doesn’t know about the fans or the computers. She doesn’t really know anything. She is just a mindless set of instructions running on forever. But the signals get stronger, and her body reacts all the same. “F-finish me off~!” She whimpers out between her moans, alerting the robot to send her over the edge. She engages the vibration function of her tongue. It shakes inside of Julie and her whole body clenches. All the systems are sent into overdrive, and her computer undergoes an almost instantaneous reset. She lounges in her chair for a moment.

“That will be all.” She instructs her toy. The toy stands and moves back to the corner in which she will remain until called on again. Julie simply gets dressed despite her panties getting wet from the saliva. Then heads out to work.