Unexpected Outcome

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Unexpected outcome

“Alright Dirtbags, listen up!. T-10 minutes till we arrive at our destination, so let's stream over our objective one more time for the ones with either dirt in their ears, or who have a VERY shitty memory!” Our squad leader, a rough and strong looking doberman, barked at us, while he was standing by the door to our transport’s cockpit. We all sat off to the walls of said transport, armed to the teeth with tactical gear and high powered weaponry, as we looked towards him with either stoic looks, sneers, or grimaces on our faces.

The screen beside the doberman lights up, before showing various 3D diagrams and schematics of the building we were about to raid.

“Our objective is simple, breach the premises’ defenses, destroy whatever valuable shit you can find, be it data or fancy nick’nacks, so long as it hurts the opposing company’s profits and infrastructure, then that means a bigger paycheck for us…” He instructed, before pausing for a moment. The last bit irked out a few chuckles from the others.

“If anyone gets in the way, put a bullet in their skulls!. We are not there for a tea party. But that is not an invitation for any of you to get sloppy about it!. Most of their defenses are made up of automated sentry turrets, and low grade androids. But don’t you all forget!, no matter the grade, those rust buckets CAN and WILL snap your neck like a toothpick, should you get too close!...” He paused again.

“So as a reminder, Blast the suckers heads completely off before approaching them!. Or at the very least rip their limbs off if you can't figure out the first option!”

Our leader swipes his hand over the screen, causing the images on it to change to a few pictures of our main target.

“As fun as it is to cause a bit of havoc, our true main objective is this guy!”

The pictures on screen mostly show an orange cat folk wearing a lab coat, and looking to be around their mid thirties give or take.

“Dr. Filaday Wachowski. Leading robotics expert for the scientific wing we are about to hit” He explained, pausing again.

“I’ll spare us all the ‘Grueling’ details and keep it short. The big heads wants to have a little ‘chat’ with the pussycat, because this pencil pusher have made strides in making the Tin-cans we all know and love/hate, be close to 20% more efficient in those bricks that they call brains” He continued to explain, and paused again for the info to sink in.

Some of the others gave annoyed groans and curses at the news that someone was making the bots better at taking their jobs.

“Pff!, fucking turrific…”

“I would’ve put a bullet in the bastard’s head if we didn’t need him alive!...”

“Hmm, wonder how that 20% would affect a hooker bot…” Some of the rookies mumbled and sweared, which only made a certain hyena cackle slightly.

“Hehehahaha!. What’s wrong you little babies? mad that the bots are making you more and more worthless by the day?. Hahahaha!, Oh, with that attitude they will surely make you go to an early grave out of embarrassment!” The hyena cackles louder, while slowly running his hand and fingers along one of his many knives.

‘Savage’ was his callsign, wore gear that one could only describe as ‘Rambow’ gear. Having the minimum of body armor on him for the extra mobility, while also having two strips of holsters running over his shoulders and down both his front and back, holding his arsenal of titanium forged knives. All well kept and perfectly sharpened to cut through both flesh or steel. He does carry two side arms on his hips, but Savage liked to get up and personal when in the heat of battle.

“Suck my cuck, you fucking phyco!” One of them blurted out while flipping the hyena off.

“HA!, sure, i’d love to!. But I'm too spent for that, after having your girlfriend gurgling on my red rocket earlier in the day!...” The hyena retorted before bursting out laughing.

The rookie, now glaring at the hyena, was about to say something again, but the hyena beat him to it.

“Oh i’m sorry, Hahaha, did i say your ‘Girlfriend’?. My mistake, I meant your ‘BOYfriend’, because clearly you ain’t handsome enough to score yourself some proper pussy!. GAHAHAHA!!!”

“Why you bloody…!”

“Knock it out you two… Or do I need to do that for you…” A deep voice rumbled from the other end of the room.

Sitting on top of a big weapons crate, sat our team’s designated ‘Tank’.

‘Bulldozer’ was this guy’s callsign. A colossal bull man who would tower over everyone whenever he stood up. He wore a retrofitted version of the latest juggernaut armor on the market, coupled with an integrated, short lived, kinesis field to stop any kind of tank shell in its tracks.

He was currently inspecting his, also retrofitted, weaponry. A heavily fortified ballistic shield which were the same size as the bull man himself, and a high powered LMG that has been retroed for easier use, enabling him to more easily one-handing that beast of a gun, while he holds up the shield.

“Booo, you’re no fun bull…” The hyena sarcastically grumbled, before letting out another small cackle.

“You ladies done bitching?” The doberman questioned, cracking a little grin before snapping back into his serious face. “Then keep your mouths shut and let me finish!” He started barking again

“The Attack will go as follows!” He began.

“Bulldozer and Hawk will take point and deal with the entrance, while being reinforced by most of the rookies. Once most of the enemies on the ground floor have been dealt with, the two will stay behind and hold the ground floor exit, while the rest of you will move up through the building, and do what we came to do!” He instructed us.

Bulldozer gave a stoick look, and blew a bit of hot air out his nostrils.

‘Hawk’ the hawk, our crack-shot sharpshooter, gave a chuckling “Hm” before cucking a high caliber round into his self made ‘rifle’, if you could even call it that. It both looked and acted more like a watered down version of a railgun, then a normal lever-action rifle…

“Savage, you’ll act as bodyguard for Mad-Rat while he shuts down their defense network. The sooner those sentries gets punched out of the game, the better” He continued, only for the mentioned hyena to complain.

“Oh come on chief!. Guard duty?, Really?...”

“Yes, really, Savage. Or would you rather be shot at by a bunch of .50 turrets?”

“......*Sigh* Meh, you got a point…”

“Great to hear you haven’t lost all your brain cells” Our leader remarked, which earned him a middle finger from the hyena, and a few snickers from the rookies.

“Moving on…” He began, resuming the mission rundown. "Coyote and Hook, you two will continue up with a handful of rookies to go find and capture the prime target. If the target is on the verge of escape, then you are allowed to give the bastard a one way ticket to hell. If the corp that hired us can’t have him, then hell to the idea of these guys keeping him” He explained.

I groaned slightly at the mention that I had to work alongside Hook for this mission. Not that I disliked the guy, but he just so happened to have this rather tedious pirate theme going for him. Not to mention that he was also some kind of sub species of a piranha folk, which just made the pirate theme seem more like a joke then it already was. But sadly, it was not a joke…

“The rest of you maggots who didn’t get mentioned, are gonna stay put with me and act as back up, should things really get out of hand” He said, before the speaker inside the cabin we were in, cackled to life with the pilot’s voice.

“T-5 minutes till arrival boys!. Hope you are locked and loaded, and ready to rock!” The pilot shouted over the speaker, before it turned off again with a *KZZ!*

“You heard the man ladies!. Load up and get ready to move!” Our leader barked one last time, before re-entering the cockpit.

I looked down at my pump action shotgun, cucking the hammer back to see the color patterned shell of a slug resting inside, before cucking it back in place.

  • Inhale…* *Exhale…* “Come on Johnny… get your A game on. It’s just another walk in the park, just like the rest…” Johnny exhaled under his breath.

Johnny, nicknamed ‘Coyote’, was the team’s basic, yet ‘special’, shock trooper, for his knack for always barely surviving by the skin of his teeth on all of their operations. The thought of quitting has passed his mind, and still is to this day, while he still could. But, there was just this part of him that kept him in the game, like a drug that he couldn't get enough of…

Sitting in silence while clutching his weapon to his chest, the last few minutes passed by in a blur.

  • KZZ!* “Alright boys!. We’ve arrived!. Now get the hell off of my ship, and kick some ass!”


12 minutes later…



“Fucking hell!!” Coyote yelled through the gunfire, which were pinning him and Hook down behind their cover.

“Aye!, you can say that twice, laddie!” Hook said in his pirate accent, before cursing out when a stray bullet almost takes his foot off. He wore armor that’s been tailor fitted to look like a more modern version of a pirate captain’s attire, while still keeping somewhat to the old aesthetics of that period. He even wore a tri-cone hat, which concealed a hidden helmet for his fish noggin.

His right arm was a bulky, golden colored prothises, which held an assortment of tools for when he did his tingering. And a secret weapon, which really told people how deep he was, in this whole pirate gig.

Another hail of bullets ripples beside us, whittling down the cover for three of our rookies.

Ripping my hand up to my earpiece I started yelling into it. “What the hell is taking you guys so long!. These bastards are tearing us a new one by the minute!” I yelled over the coms, before our cover got riddled with another volley of lead.


Server room —------------------

Inside a large dim room filled with rows of server boxes, sat a short and timid white rat in tactical, yet more techno oriented, gear, by one of said boxes. Their fingers danced across the keyboard in front of them in a frenzy, as hundreds of lines of cord and other techno nonsens streamed by on the screen.

“I know!, I know!. Don’t rush me you damn imbecile! I didn’t expect these people to have had a fourth firewall in place for their security network!” The rat hissed into the comes, his eyes never leaving the console, as his rounded glasses reflected the fast streaming contents of the screen.

He was quickly, and rather forcefully, ripped away from the console by a blank faced, female golden retriever, who was now holding him by the back of the neck.

‘Mad-Rat’ felt the slight twitch in the retriever’s wrist, but before it could act more upon that thought, a knife wielding hand came flying around from behind it on its right, before piercing it’s skull, till the tip of the knife pokes out the other side with a splatter of oil and coolant.

The retriever’s eyes mess up, before the rest of its body goes into a seizure, and drops the rat to the floor.

“Oops! Sorry!. Seems i missed one there pal. Hahahah!” The hyena laughed, while nonchalantly ripping his blade out of the golden dog, which also toppled said dog in the same direction he pulled.

Clutching his neck, Mad-Rat glares at Savage with gritted teeth. “Maaa! Of all the people to defend me for such a crucial part of the mission as this, the chief just HAD to put YOU in charge to be my guardian!” He growls, yet said growl sounded more ‘cute’ then threatening.

“Well, I don't like to play the part of babysitter either, but it’s the chief’s orders~. But hey! Why don’t you try and take one of those fancy combat dolls of yours with you next time around?. Oh wait! that’s right!, you don’t wanna damage your little fuck toys!” Savage retorts with another cackle.

“They are not sex toy… Mmrrrrgg!! Just go and do your damn job you goddamn, lowlife, Moron!” Mad-Rat exclaims with fury in his voice, before storming back to the console with a bad mood.

Savage just dismissively waves at the rat with a hearty chuckle, before pulling out another knife from his arsenal, and looking towards the fast approaching androids with a sinister grin on his lips.

“Heheh, yeah, yeah… Whatever you say, robolover~” He shot back with a bit of sass, before blasting off towards the bots, knives ready to hack and slash.

—-------------- Ground floor —--------------

‘Bulldozer! We need your big ass up here, pronto!’ Coyote yelled through the coms.

“I’m a little busy at the moment! RRRAAAAA!!! *BUNGK!*” Bulldozer shouted, before he bashed a slightly shorter minotaur back and onto the floor with his shield, which caused a minor earthshaking *Boom* when the mino-bot landed. Before the mechanical bull could get back up however, the armored bull had already swung the barrel of his LMG down into the fake bull’s face, before riddling its head and top half to shreds.

“Bloody tin-cans are tougher than we were told!. Not to mention that they just keep on coming!” Bull shouted, after dumping around 70 rounds into the now destroyed bot's face. Then a moment later, a bullet whistles by his head, and completely obliterates the head of a would-be ambusher, who tried to hit the bull from behind.

Looking in the direction from where the shot came from, he sees Hawk mid-reload, gun barrel smoking while he hid behind a small pile of destroyed bots, before said hawk gives him a thumbs up. But while doing so, he fails to notice three bots storming up from behind.

Bulldozer, without saying a word, rips his gun towards Hawk, who’s eyes, understandably, grow as big as dinner plates, before then dashing down to the floor the moment the bull’s finger pulls the trigger.

A hail of bullets sail over the hawk, completely ripping the mindless machines to pieces in a brutal fashion.

Once the firing stopped, Hawk hesitantly looked up and around, before looking back to the bull, who shortly after gave a thumbs up to the bird man, with a little cheeky smirk on his lips.

Hawk looks at him befuddled for a moment, before said stare turned to a glare, and then resulted in them giving the bull the middle finger.

Chuckling a little, Bulldozer speaks to Coyote again.

“You’re on your own up there, so better put on your A game pal…” He said, right before a volley of bullets collided against his shield


“Grrr!, Bloody bastards!”

—-------------- Upper floor —-------------

Coyote grinded his teeth in annoyance. “For fuck sake… Hook!. How many harpoons you got left?!” He yelled to the piranha pirate.

Hook was in the midst of loading another one of said harpoons into his ‘harpoon gun’, which looked more like the barrel of a littoral cannon.

“Aye, i’ve got about fifteen steel rods, 5 powder Kegs, and 3 thunder rods left, me boy!” Hook answered back, before locking the harpoon he was loading into place. “Why ye ask laddie?”

Coyote didn’t get a chance to reply, before another hail of bullets pelted their cover. This time, one of the bullets managed to hit Hook where it truly hurt him… His hat.

The piranha both feels and sees the force at which his tricorn hat gets torn off his head, leaving behind the once concealed and blunt helmet that laid underneath, while the hat itself gets torn to pieces.

  • Gasp!* “Yarg!, me hat!... Grrr!...” Hook growls, before then pulling out a weird looking pistol, stands up high enough to swing his hand over their cover, takes aim, and then yells. “Why ye scurvy scallywags!!” *BOOOWEEEE-PUFF!* He yelled, before firing a high powered laser blast at one of the droids, which blew a football sized hole clean through said droid’s chest.

“Ha! HA!. How does me flintlock taste, ye rusty buckets!” The pirate laughed, too happy with his shot to notice that the bots now all targeted him.

“Get down you idiot!” Coyote yelled, before yanking the pirana down again.



Shaking his head after getting yanked down to the floor, Hook looks back at Coyote to give his thanks, but instead gets a light boot to the face.

“Dumbass! You're not in a movie!. So stop thinking that their bullets won’t hit your stupid face one of these days!” Coyote yelled with a growl, only to get interrupted by another whiplash of lead. “Grrr!. Never mind that for now!. I’ve got an idea!” He yelled, while pulling out a smoke grenade.

Crawling back behind their cover, Hook raises his harpoon gun again, now dawning a serious look on his face. “Aye, wat ye be thinking lad?”

Creeping his head slightly out of cover, he quickly counts how many bots there were, before whipping his head back again, when three of them spot him, and then opens fire where his head was half a second ago.

“Bah!... I count about four, maybe five on your side… and then three on mine…” Coyote informed, while taking a few deep breaths to calm his mind.

Pressing a finger to his ear piece again, he orders the rookies to stay put before addressing Hook again. “*Inhale* *Exhale* Alright… Change to one of your EMP Harpoons, and aim for the middle-most on your side, hopefully it’ll take care of most of them when it discharges… Once the smoke pops, I'll charge up there and deal with my side of Tin-cans… *Tch-ting!* You ready?” He asks the piranha, after pulling the pin on the grenade.

Hook is silent for a moment, before nodding, and goes to change the harpoon type. “Ay ay, captain!”

After a minute of no movement being detected, the bots seizes their firing. Scanning the surroundings for the intruders. This act of a ceasefire tho, was just what the two mercs were waiting for.

Lobbing the nade through the air, Hook swings up from their shared cover, before shooting a harpoon directly into the chest of a bulky bear woman. Two seconds later, the harpoon emits an electrical shockwave, which engulfs both her and her fellow bots beside her, utterly frying their circuitry in the blink of an eye.

The remaining bots didn’t get long to react, before the smoke grenade collided with the ground, and exploded into a thick white cloud, blocking their sight.

Once it went off, Coyote rolled out of cover before shooting off in a mad dash towards the disoriented bots. Charging through the smoke, shotgun held low and ready. The spotted dog, upon seeing the silhouette of one of them through the smoke, immediately blasts said unaware bots‘ legs clean off in quick succession, making it fall down onto what remained of its knees.

The bot tried to retaliate, but immediately got their head blown to bits, the moment they raised their weapon towards the charging dog.

Bursting out of the smoke shortly after, Coyote whips his gun to the right before pumping three slugs into a male beaver. Blasting two decent sized chunks off of them, before the third slug obliterates its neck, causing the head to fall to the side and hang by what little remained, before the rest of the beaver fell over.

Hearing the third bot hastily stomping up behind him, Coyote spins his gun around, grabbing it by the barrel, and swings around with all the force he could give, before racking the butt of his gun against the side of a female leopard’s face.

The force of the hit both knocks the bot away by a little, but also causes Coyote to lose his grip on the shotgun the moment it connects, flying off and clatters to the floor a distance away. But he had anticipated this, as his hand was already down by his hip, grasping his sidearm tightly.

When the leopard had regained its composure, it snapped its head back towards the merc. But said merc was upon them way before they could even react. Grabbing the leopard by their short blond hair, Coyote pulls the bot’s head back, before slamming the head of his pistol up into its jaw, and just unloaded the whole clip into its skull.

The leopard convulsed with each shot fired, while errors sputtered out of its barely sinked lips, until it went completely limp, and then shortly after collapsed to the floor.

Huffing and puffing, Coyote takes a moment to catch his breath. But said breath instantly hitches up, when he hears the click of a gun to his left.

Having just enough time to swing his head in the direction he heard the click from, he sees the form of a lith rat man, staring blankly at him, while pointing a submachine gun at him with one hand.

But then, with a ‘hearty’ battlecry, Hook comes flying in from the side, mechanical arm raised, as what was once a normal hand, was now a giant shareded hook.

Hook swings the tip of his hook into the rat’s neck, before then making a half moon around the rat, twisting the bladed hook around its neck. And then, with a quick tug, slices the bastard’s head clean off in a brutal fashion.

Once the rat’s body falls to the floor, Hooks rights himself before swinging the oil and coolant off his hook.

“Yarg!, that sure did get a man’s heart a’pumping! Ya-ha-haarg!” Hook laughed, before his giant hook spoon around into his arm, and his hand spoon up from the other direction like a ferris wheel. “Are ya alright laddie?”

Coyote doesn't answer, as he was too busy catching the wind that left his body for that painstaking moment, and instead gave him an exhausted thumbs up, while sluggishly walking over to reacquire his weapon.

“...If you say so lad…” Hook acknowledges with a shrug, before moving over to count how many of the rookies were still alive.

Picking his shotgun back up after finally reaching it, Coyote stares deeply down at the piece of metal in his hands for a few solid minutes.

“......*Exhale* Haaa… Just another day, tap dancing at death’s door…” He grimly mumbled.

He didn’t get to ponder any longer tho, when a new batch of androids came bursting out from the doors to the upper levels, weapons drawn on all of the out-of-cover mercs.

For all of them, it was as if the world went into slow motion. Each merc either trying to pull or swing their weapon up towards the sodden enemy arrival, or trying to run behind the nearest cover, even tho knowing that they won't make it in time.

Coyote looked down the barrel of a machine gun, held by an emotionless male cat, who’s eyes held no soul, but that of a calculated machine.

He just stood there in milde shock, thinking that this was finally the end for him. But, as if by divine intervention, all the bots that were holding them at gun point, began to slightly, yet rapidly, twitch. The light in their eyes blinked different colors at fast intervals, until all of their guns began to clatter onto the floor one by one, as the bots went completely limp, while still standing upright.

All the merc just stood there, stuck in their poses or positions of either flight or fight, being utterly confused at what just happened. That is, until a certain master hacking rat, began to praise himself over the coms.

“Hmhm, and there you go!. Ohh, where would you moronic imbeciles be without my glorious intellect!. Please, don’t thank me. I was just doing what any kind hearted, and ‘sophisticated’ intellectual would do to save*WAM!* Gaa-ow!”

“Ooh~ Yes, our wonderful hero~. We truly are grateful for you saving us~. We would have been so even more, If you had done it a little bit sooner! you little piece of shit!” Savage mucked and cursed at the hacker rat shortly after, after what sounded to be him hitting said rat.

“Hey guys, Savage here!. To summarize what captain-ego-bitch here said, we’ve finally shut down the defense network!. Go team Cerberus! Hahahaha!!” Savage informed before laughing.

It took a second for the info to sink in, before all the rookies began to cheer that they didn’t have to worry about the bots anymore from here on.

“Dough!. Don’t hype them up like that yet, you idiot!. According to what the system is saying, there are still active sentries further up that's connected to a completely separate grid from this one. So stay on your guard!” Mad Rad sternly said after the hyena’s proclamation.

“Oh relax!... Not only they’ve got everyone's favorite pirate with ‘em, they’ve even got our ‘unkillable’ shocktrooper with ‘em!. So tune down your pessimism a bit will ya? it’s not good for the rookies’ ‘morale’. Heheheh” Savage retorts with a chuckle at the end

“I’m not being pessimistic, you incompetent fool!. I’m just stating the facts!. For all we know, they could be hiding a damn ‘Dreadnought’ or worse!...” Mad Rat and Savage would then rant and bikker on between each other, both seeming to forget that they were still on coms.

“*Sigh*... This always fucking happens when those two are in the same bloody room…” Coyote cursed under his breath, before addressing his fellow mercs in the room. “Alright guys! Turn off your radios for a bit if you don’t wanna have your ears talked off, and let's get moving! We’ve already wasted enough time as it is!” He commanded, to which all the rookies gave a half assed ‘Hoo!’ in response, before checking their gear and patching up their injured pals.

Hook comes up beside him with a slightly grim and concerned look on his face, with his eyes glued to the doors leading to the staircase.

“You good?” Coyote asks the piranha when he noticed the fish-man’s grim exasperation.

“Ar don’t kno lad… Ar just be getting a bad omen about what lies in wait above us…”

“You and me both, pal… This smells too fishy to be anything but a bigger case of troubles…”

After waiting for the rest of their team to gather their shit together, they all advanced into the staircase, and slowly went up while checking every corner for any surprises that may be lurking.

However, they were soon about to encounter something that they were not fully prepared to face…


3 minutes of slow stair walking later…


Upon reaching the next major floor, they found themselves plunged into darkness within it.

“Lights on…” Coyote instructed, while switching on the flashlight on the end of his shotgun, which was then followed shortly after by a flurry of lights, flickering on and shining around one after the other.

Slowly walking down the pitch dark floor, all the mercs were staying highly alert for anything. Passing by abandoned office workstations, meeting areas, and the break area, they noticed how all of it was left in a chaotic rush by the employees.

They also noticed that the emergency shutters for all the windows had been closed, closing them off from what little light there was in the night sky, explaining why it was as dark as it was.

Checking out one of the workstations, Coyote shone his light around inside the small enclosed ‘office’, finding it to have been left in a rather ‘nifty’ order, compared to a good portion of the rest of the immediate area.

  • KZZT* “Mad Rat, can you figure out how to turn on the lights?”

“Pah!, ‘if i can figure out how to turn on the light’!. Have you forgotten who you are talking to!?. *Clicking* Give me a minute and i’ll… Hold on…” Mad Rat’s otherwise egocentric demeanor halted, which gave Coyote anything but bad vibes from the sodden turn.

“What?. Mad Rat, what is it?” Coyote half demanded.

“I… Don’t know… It’s faint, but… Coyote, stay alert… Something is in there with you…”

  • Clatter!* “MPH! MHHHHHGGGhhgghhg…” Coyote ripped his head towards the muffled screams, only to find a lone gun on the floor, and the rest of the rookies shining their lights all around to find their missing pal.

“What the fuck was that?!”

“Something took off with Hank!”

“OVER THERE!!” *Click-Ratatata!!* one of the rookies yelled, shortly opening fire at a random spot.

“No, it’s over there!” *Pow Pow Pow Pow!!* Another one yelled, before also shooting at another random spot.

Before Coyote knew it, the whole floor had turned into a chaotic storm of haphazard gunfire, and a cacophony of shattering glass, and concrete getting impacted. It got so bad that Coyote had to crouch down low when a stray bullet whiffed by his ear.

“Gaa!, for the love of… *KZZT* Stop shooting everywhere you fucking morons!” He yelled over the comes.

His command seemed to have worked, right until a shadowy mass, blitz's by and snagged two more of the rookies into the darkness. Insighting all of them to ignore his orders, and begin firing into the dark once more.

“Grrr, for fuck sake… EVERYONE!! Group up on me, NOW!” The spotted dog commanded, gripping his gun tightly, while pointing towards the darkness resolutely.

“Yarg! you heard the man me mateys!. Glue ya buttocks together like ya lives depended on it!” Hook joined in, earning a few weird looks from the few rookies that stood beside him.

It took only a handful of seconds before all of them now stood shoulder to shoulder, and back to back, ten men strong. But unlike Coyote and Hook, the rookies were not as steadfast as the two veteran mercs.

“Hrk-There!” *Click-clik POW!!* The one to Coyote's right yelled, before blasting what used to be an office chair, now into a bunch of pieces.

Jabbing his elbow hard into the trigger happy rookie, he glares at them with a cold fury “Save your ammo, dumbass!” Coyote hisd in their face.

  • KZZT!*“Rat, what’s the status of those lights…” He asked, scanning the surrounding as best he could with his flashlight for whatever was hunting them.

“Haven gotten to it yet, i’m trying to decipher what this signature belongs to…” Mad Rat responded. With said response making Coyote’s blood start to slowly boil.

“You fucking WHAT?!?...”

“Look out!!” one of the rookies yells beside him.

He only has enough time to both look and react, when he sees a whole ass sofa come hurling right at them.

Almost all of them hit the deck, but not all, as two of their ranks got taken away by the heavy object in a violent fashion.

Quickly getting back up, Coyote yells for the remaining mercs to huddle back together.

“Fucking hell… Keep your eyes sharp, and don’t panic!” He instructed, before whipping his gun towards a spot when he noticed a silhouette moving in the dark.

“We can’t just stay here!. We are literally sitting du-*Slice!* *Thud*

Looking back, Coyote sees the now decapitated body of the panicking rookie, lying flat on the floor.

“Gaa, shit!. *KZZT!* Mad-Rat!”

“Hold on, i’ve almost got it-”

“Rat! for fuck sake, forget the damn signal, and get those lights on, NOW!!!” He screamed into the ear piece.

“*Hiss* Alright! alright!. lower your tone will you?” Mad-Rat asked, before Coyote could hear the sound of a keyboard getting fiddled with in the background. “Done!”

Upon Mad-Rat saying the word, the whole floor flooded with light, even blinding the mercs for a moment, before they could see again… And what they saw upon regaining their sight tho, almost made a few of them, Coyote included, shit their pants.

Standing a fair distance away from their group, holding onto the severed head of the rookie that lost it, was their big and furred boogieman, or in this case, boogieLady, in the form of a brown furred werewolf, just staring bloody daggers at them all

“Ooohh Sshhhiiiiit! *KZZT!* Guys! They’ve got a fucking ‘Hanna’ up here!”


Server room —-----------

“They WHAT!?!?!” Mad-Rat exclaimed

“Hanna who now?” Savage inquired with a raised eyebrow, as he sat on a pile of bots, while slowly and nonchalantly using the severed head of a female dragon as a makeshift fleshlight.

Mad-Rat gives him a disgusted glance when he is reminded of what the hyena was currently doing, before answering with a ‘tisk!’.

“ ‘Hanna’ is the latest, yet at the same time oldest, inside of the guardian line of defense androids. There’s a slew of ‘Hanna’ variants out there, but one thing they all have in common, which one comment that has been plastered onto the front page of her magazine, sums her up as, ‘A Strong, Savage, and Reliable, furred tank on legs’...”

Savage halts his masturbation for a bit, looking into the air and chewing on what he was told, with a slightly comedic ‘well shit’ look on his face. “Oh… Well shit… Now I'm even more mad that I've been placed on guard duty, she sounds like a fun challenge!” Savage exclaimed, before then giving a small cackle, swinging both his arms into the air, while leaving the scaled head ‘impaled’ on his rod.

“Don’t get any funny ideas, Savage… Me, Bulldozer, and Hawk are heading up there as backup, not you…” The chief growled through the coms. Hearing the two’s whole conversation, since they forgot to turn off their radios.

“Oh come oooon!!” Savage whined.

“It’s final! You oversized pup!. Over and out! *KZZT!*”

“Baah! What a load of horse shit…” Savage grumbled, before pulling off the dragon head on his pines, and tossing it over his shoulder.

Sitting in silence for the next few minutes, with the only sound in the room being that of the furious clicks of the rat’s fingers on the keyboard.

“Say, Rat. I know we aren’t the best of pals…” The hyena began, which irked out a bemused Laugh from the rat in question.

“HA! You don’t say?!” Mad-Rat exclaimed sarcastically.

“...Buuuut… Could i maaaaybe, convince you to…” He pauses to pull fourth an inactive female hyena bot from beside the pile he sat on. It was in relatively good condition compared to all the others that were sliced to pieces, if one looked past the fist sized hole in its chest, right where its power core once was. “Re-program this bitch here when we get back to base?. Since we are here breaking and stealing shit, then it wouldn't be too problematic to snatch a bot while we were at it, right?”

“Sure, I can do that… Hah, might also add a little ‘fun’ program that makes her bite your dick off the moment you are about to climax. Since you are ‘Soo’ interested in playing on the razor's edge of life, why not add that bit of spice for you, hmm?” Mad-Rat hummed, before turning his head towards the hyena with an innocent, yet sinister smile.

Savage just looks at the rat with a surprised, and slightly impressed look on his face for a moment.

“...Okay… Guess I'll just stick with an inanimate sex doll then, thank you very much…” He announced nonchalantly. Unceremoniously letting go of the hyena doll as it flopped onto the floor again beside the pile, before picking up another head, this time that of a rhino man, before continuing what he was doing before. Ending their conversation with a disgusted grunt from Mad-Rat.

—------------------ Upper levels —-----------------

“AAAAHHHH!! HELP MEEEE-*CRACK!!**SPLAAGHT!!*” The rookie yelled, before gruesomely getting torn in two by the midsection by the bloodthirsty wolf-bot. His blood turning the floor a crimson red.

“Holy furry jesus!. Fucking kill it!!” One of the remaining rookies yelled to their brethren, before all them together let loose a hail of bullets towards the furred menace.

With a feral growl, the beast-bot dashes out of their combined fire, blitzing around the mercs while using all the tables and workplace walls in the room as cover.

Coyote hid behind a somewhat secure position with Hook, while also taking a few crack shots at the speeding were-woman, but to no avail.

“Shit! The bitch is too damn fast!” He angrily cursed.

“Ay! Not to mention her sturdy hide! Me harpoons can barely find purchase in her hull! Let alone hit that scurvy seadog!” Hook exclaimed beside him, while loading another harpoon

“Gaa, and we are also losing men by the minute!... Hook! How large was the blast radius for your explosive harpoons again?” Coyote asks, before loading his gun with the last few slugs he had.

“Around 5 meters. What ye got planned inside that noggin now lad?”

“I need you to shoot one up into the ceiling right over there by the support pillar. Once I give the signal, you detonate it” He told the fish man his plan, before cucking his gun.

“Ay, and what be this signal then?” Hook inquired, while he went through the procedure of changing the harpoons around.

Crouching up from his cover, looks to the piranha. “You’ll know it when you see it” He answered, before snapping his attention back onto the speeding wolf. “Now go!” He exclaimed right as he hit the jets, running over towards the remaining rookies, who at this point was just wasting their ammo on a target that they could barely hit.

“You three! follow me!” He yelled as he ran past them. It took the mercs a few seconds before complying, and was thereafter right behind the spotted dog in his dash.

They were not the only ones hot on his tail, as the werewolf bursted through the thin office walls it used as cover, and now charged right after them.

The rookies shortly looked back in fright, raising their weapons to shoot at the beast gaining on them. But Coyote swiftly tells them otherwise.

“Don’t waste your ammo, and just keep running!” He ordered, eyes glued to the fast approaching wall in front of them.

Right before they were about to run face first into the wall tho, Coyote yells “JUMP!” before the four of them dive out of the way, and lets the werewolf crash headfirst into the wall, cracking said wall while leaving the bot disoriented.

“Alright you three!, find somewhere to hide, and don’t blow your cover!” He commanded, which they obeyed at once, leaving him to face down the just recuperated wolf-bot alone.

The werewolf shook its head from all the dust and minor rubble, before it glared at him on all fours, teeth bared and growling with bloodshed on its digital mind.

Coyote glared back in kind, shotgun leveled at the wolf with an iron grip.

Both didn’t make a move, until a coffee mug, which sat on a broken table to the side of them, slid off and shattered to the floor. Kicking their standoff off.

The Wolf let out a growl and a howl, before charging straight at the spotted dog.

Coyote quickly began to stride backwards while blasting one slug after the other at the bull rushing werewolf, chipping away at some of its synth flesh and fur, and exposing the metal underneath.

The werewolf jumps right at him once it got close enough, but Coyote dodge rolls out of it’s path, making it skitter along the floor until it slides around to charge at him again.

The werewolf jumps again, but this time Coyote was charging at it in kind, before sliding right under it, while the wolf would sail right over him and crash into a bunch of workstations.

Quickly getting up again, Coyote runs up behind the wolf, before jumping on its back and holding on for dear life around the beast’s neck with one arm, when it registers that he is on it.

Swinging around and snapping its maw to try and get the merc off, Coyote proceeds to dump the whole of his pistol’s mag into the back of the wolf’s head, but only manages to scrape off the fake flesh and fur that made up its visage, in bursts of sparks with each shot fired.

Deeming the mercs rodeo ride over, the werewolf intentionally falls back to slam the spotted dog against the floor, which worked like a charm. Making him groan out in pain when they hit the floor, while also making him let go of the wolf.

In too much pain to even react, the werewolf quickly grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air. Licking its teeth one after the other, as a show of what it plans to do to him.

But unbeknownst to the killer bot, Coyote had led it right where he wanted it.

Sticking out of the ceiling not too far behind the bot, was a harpoon with a little orange blinking dot on it. And from what he could see in the corner of his eye, Hook was standing ready with the detonator in hand.

Looking straight into the were-bot’s eyes, he gives it a cocky smirk.

“Hrk-hahah! Think you're tough shit ey?. Heh, then how about you try some of this!” He tells the bot, before then chopping his hand downwards and yells “NOW!!!”

Not even a second later, Hook presses the button, and the harpoon goes off. Shaking the whole building with a fiery, yet contained, blast, which sent the were-bot, and Coyote to a certain extent, flying.

The werewolf gave a digitized howl of pain, making it clear that the blast did manage to knock a few things around inside it. Coyote gave a few groans and hisses himself, as he tumbled along with the were-bot. But unlike the wolf, he was back on his feet faster than it was, and blitzed his way right up to it, shotgun held tightly with just one slug left in the chamber.

When the wolf had shaken it’s head back in working order, it was then greeted by the business end of Coyote’s gun. With Coyote himself giving the wolf a stern look before uttering “Game over, Bitch” Before pulling the trigger.

The werewolf gets knocked back by the shell, but only by a few feet, while its head got obscured by a smoke cloud when the gun went off.

Coyote looked on with gritted teeth, but then his heart almost skipped a beat, when one of the wolf’s claws twitchingly sprung up to try and reach for him, causing him to throw his empty shotgun away and yank out his pistol instead, hastily reloading it while taking a cautionary step back from the still active killer bot.

But his fears were quickly dispelled, when the wolf froze up for a moment, before both its arms began to twist and bent in every direction, while drunkenly walking about. It even swatted away the smoke that covered its head, revealing to the merc the damage he had caused.

Half of the wolf’s face was blown off, leaving only the metal skull and still functioning eye on that side. The real damage tho was further up by the top side of it’s skull, which the slug had made a very nasty hole through, as sparks and small pops of electricity dansed or flew out of, like a twisted sort of fireworks.

While the were-bot was flailing about, instead of its signature growling, it was now just spewing out a string of utter nonsense of either bar code numbers, or every letter in the alphabet as some chaotic soup of noise. It kept on breaking for another ten seconds, before finally giving up the ghost, and promptly collapsed against one of the walls, slowly sliding down it as the blinking lights in its eyes faded into black.

Looking at the wolf while never lowering his gun, Coyote breathes in and out at a modest pace, before he too lets up the ghost, and lets his limbs take a break to fall to his sides, while bending his head back to let out a deep and drawn out sigh.

“Ya-ha-haarg! You bloody did it lad! Hahaha!” His moment of respite was interrupted by the piranha’s hearty laugh. “Gahaha! Sent that scurvy dog down to Davy Jones, you did!”

Coyote didn’t respond at first, but when he did he looked at hook with a tired look. “Haaa… Heh, I sure did… Eeehh” He sighed before righting himself. “What about the rookies?”

“We are alright sir!” One of the exclaimed, as the three remaining rookies came out from their hiding spot

“All thanks to you man!” The second exclaimed, and gave him a thumbs up

“You took that tin-can on like a real badass! Ha-haa!” The third exclaimed with a bit more excitement

Each of them were very thankful to the wild dog for saving their asses like he did. But… Coyote was not a big fan of getting that sort of praise, at least, not in this line of work if anything.

“Yeah yeah… Whatever… Hook, you and these dumbasses move on ahead and catch that bastard without me… I’ll stay here and catch my breath” He ordered the pirate, who gave him a worried look.

“Wouldn't it be better if we stuck together laddie?. We could plunder a gun for ya from one of the-”

“From one of the bots who could be standing ready to ambush us?. Hook, I’m outta shells, and I've only got my pistol left. And you know that i’ve got a better danger sense, and aim, then you four combined. So if I come with you, with only this small piece of iron, I'll be dead before I know it” He interrupted the Pirana, before sighing. “Just… Follow what you’ve been taught, alright? And you’ll out maneuver those buckets in no time… Now move it!” He ordered again, this time more strictly.

Hook stays and looks at him a few seconds longer, before giving a defeated shake of the head. “Oh shiver me timbers lad… Aight! You heard the man mateys! Follow my lead!” Hook ordered, before storming off to the next flight of stairs, with the rookies following suit closely after.

Now alone on the utterly ravaged office floor, Coyote stares at the door his pals went trough for a time, before shaking his head, tired.

He was about to walk over to inspect the werewolf, until a sudden pain shot up through his right leg. Grabbing onto his right thigh before kneeling down with a hiss, he examens it for any damages.

“Mmrraaa! Damn it… Must of sprung an angle between all that running and dodging… Shit!” He hissed in pain. “...Adrenaline truly is a wonderous drug… Until it runs out”

Scanning around, he spots a still functional office chair, and, with a few pained hisses, limps his way over to it.

With a grunt he flips the chair up, before taking a seat with a relieved and satisfied sigh. Looking up into the ceiling with an empty mind for a short moment, Coyote looks down at the wreck of a wolf a little distance before him. Taking in it’s savage beauty, coupled with it’s now morbid points, he couldn't help but appreciate the handiwork, even if it was just trying to kill him not so long ago.

His eyes lingered on the wolf’s ‘exposed’ bits for a time, noting the soft yet fullness of it’s breasts, the leaking clit between it’s legs just begging to be played with. And then there was it’s maw…

“Hmm… I wonder how my dick would feel inside that sharp maw of her’s……” Coyote mumbles to himself.

But once he realizes what he just mumbled, his eyes went wide before then slapping himself across the face.

“No John! Stop it! Don’t you start thinking like that perverted freak of a hyena!” He growled to himself, looking away from the bot with a scowl on his face, annoyed like no other that he was actually thinking about… And even more so, because he was actually getting turned on by the idea.

Shooting a few side eyeing glares at the wolf bot, these perverted thoughts he was getting plagued by, were slowly winning over his better judgment. But he can’t just do that! That’s like breaking the first rule of bot combat 101! ‘Never approach a downed android unless its CPU has been completely destroyed!’


……But… it seems to be as brain dead as they can get… and no one is looking sooo…

Coyote looked left and right, making sure that he was truly all alone with the seemingly out-of-commission robo-dog lying against the wall.

“......*Sigh* This is so stupid… But here we go…” He mumbled, as he got up from the chair and limped his way over to the werewolf, steadily regretting that he was actually gonna try it, while he pulled the belt on his pants off, and let them fall to the floor.

Stepping up and out of the lowered undergarments, Coyote steps over to the blank staring bitch-bot while jerking his rod to full mast. Face as stoic as a rock while he did so.

Now standing before the werewolf, dick literally poking the bitch-bot’s nose, Coyote looks down thoughtfully at its blank face.

“...... Okay, relax… You chipped its CPU with that last slug, you saw it spaz out before going down… Just… open its maw and… stick it in…” He mumbled to himself as a way to boost his resolve for the idiocy he was currently pulling.

Reaching down to slightly open the were-girl’s mouth, he can’t help but get slightly transfixed for a moment by its warm and smooth fur. But he quickly gets back to the job at hand, and open’s it’s maw.

“So far so good… Now to just…” He mumbles again, before sliding his prick right inside the werewolf’s surprisingly warm and soothing maw.

His spin tingles for a bit by the sodden shock of how nice the inside of the wolf’s maw felt. After getting his bearings back together, Coyote slowly begins to thrust his hips back and forth, and lets out a quiet, drawn out moan into the air of the currently empty floor.

He took his time to really enjoy the bitch-bot, choosing to only do slow movements, with a few quick jabs now and again. But, after a little, he remembers that he was on a time limit, and decided to finish things off before he got caught with his pants down… Literally.

However, unbeknownst to the spotted dog, the werewolf was apparently not as ‘Briandead’ as he had thought. Because of him face-fucking the bot, he had unintentionally managed to juryrig the were-bot’s systems back online, tho thankfully only to a certain ‘corrupted’ extent.

Before he could react, he feels two large beefy hands grab his hips, and then the next second he feels himself first getting pushed back a little, before then getting his back slammed down hard into the floor. And then, just to really give him nightmares, the werewolf was now sitting on top of him, teeth bared in his face with saliva dripping down on it as well, and their glowing eyes staring bloody murder into his very soul.

“Grrrr! You little s-shit-shit!. I’m gonna-I’m gonna-onna-a-a-a*PZZT!* Lo-Lo-ogic Er-Error!. Grrr~ I’m gonna make you feel-you feel good Boss~*PZZT!* [USER: Filaday]” She sputtered out, lips turning into a lusty and hungry smirk, while her irises rapidly blinked in different colors.

In a split second, the were-bot went from looming over him, to now straddling his hips. Feeling the heat of its pussy, radiating down on the tip of his erection, as it loomed over his pride and joy, ready to engulf it whole.

“Ma-Ma-Mak-Ma-Make you feel good, yes-yes-yes!*KZZT* Graa! i’m-i’m-i’m gonna bite off-bite off your pathetic throat-oat-Trrrooooaaa*TZZT!* System Fau-Fault!” She buzzed out, before with a mighty force, slams down on his dick without any fanfare.

Coyote bends his spin upwards by the sheer pleasure that was just bombarding him, his own maw snapping open as he gave a gasping moan. But said moan turned to a painful groan, when ‘Hanna’ slams her open palm down on his bulletproof vest and chest, pressing down with such force it felt like she was trying to cave in his ribcage.

But the pressure quickly changed to a lighter one for a time, before later going back to being close to lethal, and Vince Repeat. Making it clearer that the were-bot was running on borrowed time, with said time closing in to being used up, if the steadily rising amount of sparks and smoke seeping out of her open skull was any indication.

“Er-Er-Error-Er-Error detec-detected*PZZT!* CP-CP-CPU temperature-ture reaching Crit-Crit-Crit*TZZT!*Awooo-wooo-wooo! YES Master! Your meaty knot is stret-stret-stretching me so-so-so*Beep-Beep!!* Warning!, member shape does not-does not align-align-align-align-align-align*PZZT-Puff!* A small gýser of sparks ejects out of her open skull, before she goes into another corrupted string of beasteal moans and howls, while kicking up the pace of her pistoning metal hips, against Coyote’s ‘Fragile’ ones. Coupled with a few less than pleasant comments about how she would flay him alive.

“Grrr!-Grrr!-Grrr! i’m gonna rip-rip out your GUTS-GUTS-GUTS-GUTSGUTSGUTSGUTS*BZZT!* Sys-System melt-elt-elt-down im-immanent!-ent!” She blurted out, her face and maw now very close to his. Letting him feel the heat of her overheating skull, emanating off her and onto him. Coyote was both hoping and expecting the werewolf’s head to pop like a balloon at any minute now, from how hot it currently was.

But after another few minutes of him getting his pelvis hammered to dust, the were-bot would then bend itself up straight all of a sudden, now back to a setting potions on the pined merc, while still riding him like the wild animal she was created to imitate.

“Grrrrr~ ye-ee-ee-eess! Breed-Breed-reed-ed-BREED me like an alpha-Alpha-a-a-a-aaaaaaa*BZZT-Pff!*I-I-I’ll bite o-of-ff yooo-o-ur scuuuuummmm DICK*PFFT!*” She spat out, before a copious amount of dark smoke began to really flow out of her nostrils, and the hole in her head, followed thereafter by her mouth moving at a ludacris pace.

“DickDickDickDickickickickickickick*KZZT!*FuckmefuckmefuckmefUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME-*PZZT-POW!!*FFFUUUuuuuccckkkkk… mmmeeeeee….” The were-bot droned out, after what sounded and looked like a processor exploded inside her head.

After the processor explosion, the bot’s movements all but stopped all together, with only a few still lingering twitches running through its powering down systems. And worst of all, it stopped right as Coyote was about to blow, effectively leaving him blue balled inside the now ‘definitely’ braindead bot.

“c-c-cppp-p-uuu non ffff-unccc-ttinaaal-al-alll… Aaallll sssyysstteemmmss… Ssshhhuuttiinnggg ddooowwwwnnnn……” The were-bot droned out one last time, while the hand it both used to hold Coyote down with, and itself up with, began to buckle and slide off his chest to the side.

Realizing too late what was about to happen, Coyote only manages to yell “Wait! Wait! WAIT!-BUGFH!!” Before he gets smothered between the werewolf’s huge bohongers.

His arms flailed for help, while accompanied by his muffled groans for help. Hands slapping against the inactive bot on top of him but to no avail, while he was slowly getting the life choked out of him by a pair of tits.

Under this whole predicament tho, Coyote’s dick had slipped out of the were-bot’s pussy when it fell on him, leaving him to grind it between the wolf-bot’s furred and still warm buttuchs.

And just to add more salt to the injury, he was actually ‘enjoying’ it. Or at least, a part of him did. As within the next 30 seconds of him both getting choked out, and the sporadic but limited movements he did under the wolf, which only grinded his dick harder and faster between the beast’s ass crack, he ended up blowing his load all across the wolf’s well rounded ass, painting it a nice chalk white.

While this was happening tho, Coyote was cursing himself from the inside.

“Ooohh… you gotta be taking the piss, Me!. You can’t seriously mean you’ve got a choking kink!!” He thought, while the light of the world began to fade around him, and his muffled groans and moans became even more muffled to his ears. His futile efforts slow down before halting all together, as he’s losing the power to resist his rather ‘comedic’ end.

“Is… Is this really how i’m gonna… Die?... Death by… A pair of… Tits?……”


But then, amidst the void of nothingness, he feels the vibrations of heavy footfalls coming his way, and the heavily muffled sound of voices above him. Then he feels the heavy frame of the werewolf getting pulled off him, and he could taste the air once again, while his sight was blinded by the now returned light.

“*GAAAASP!!!* *Cough!!* * *Cough!!* Bugh! Fucking hell!....” Coyote Cursed, holding a shaking hand against his chest to calm his fast beating heart.

“Hmph, Hell isn’t calling for you just yet, soldier. You’ve still got a lot of work to do, pup…” A gruff voice told him.

Looking up towards the origins of the voice, he ends up blinding himself for a second by the bright light of the ceiling lamps.

Once his eyes grew accustomed to the lights again though, he wished that he did die from asphyxiation, when he saw who it was that saved him.

Standing with their arms crossed, wearing a red beret and glaring down at him with a commanding and stern look, stood his boss. With bulldozer on ‘Hound’s’ left, and Hawk on his right. Bull was having their LMG leaning against their shoulder, while looking down at Coyote with a blank look. While Hawk had an amused look on his beak while looking at the half naked dog.

“......*Sigh* Hound, Sir…” Coyote greeted, knowing very well what was about to happen.

“What part of ‘blow either their heads or limbs off’ did you not understand?” Hound asked with a calm yet smoldering voice.

“I… I know that. But i chipped it’s damn CPU, so i thought that it was more then-”

“Awoo!-Bark! Bark!-Awoo!-Bark! Bark!-Awoo!-”

Coyote was interrupted with a shock and a half, when the werewolf all of a sudden sprung to life once again, bending right up from where it laid, arms swinging up and down like a broken toy.

Bulldozer and Hawk both went to pull their guns on the reactivated bot. But before any of them could do so, Hound whips out his modified .45 magnum with such speed, which only a legendary gunslinger could pull off, before blasting a golf ball sized hole clean through the were-bot’s skull, right between the eyes.

The bot froze up, before then violently convulsing for a moment, until, with a flash, a pow!, and a puff of smoke from inside the clean hole in its head, the werewolf falls back onto the floor for the last time. With one of its eyes even ejecting out of its socket, the moment its heavy frame hits the ground.

All the mercs except for Hound, stood there stunned dumbfounded by the speed at which the doberman had dispatched the wolf, to which Hound just ‘hmph’.

Coyote looks at the wolf bot for a moment, before he then feels his discarded pants getting thrown onto his head by Hound.

“Get your pants back on pup, this isn’t a gay party!. Hook and the rookies have located the target, and are waiting for us topside… your reprimand can wait till we get back to base…” Hound scuffed after holstering his revolver, before then moving on with Hawk right behind him. Tho Hawk did linger his eyes on Coyote’s rod for a little longer then one would expect, from a guy that claims they were straight.

Coyote looked on as they left, before grumbling a bit, while cursing his luck as he got up to pull his pants back on.

Bulldozer waited for the dog man to get his things back on, before asking a question, which sounded way out of character for the stoic bull. “....Did she feel good?”

Stunned for a moment, Coyote looks up at the Bull with a surprised and bemused look for a whole minute, registering if he just heard that right.

“......Suuure… She felt alright, probably would have been better if her CPU didn’t get busted up like it did… Why the sodden question?”

Bull looks at him blankly for a moment, before answering “...Personal reasons…”

“...Whatever floats your boat man…” He acknowledged, not in the mood nor the want to dig any further, and proceeded to follow after the doberman and hawk, with the big bull right behind him.

[The End]

[Thanks for reading!]